
This is the end...of the July postings!

This has been a lot harder than I expected, but I did it...one blog for every day of July. I was able to come up with ideas for a post everyday, even if I was stretching it on some day. I didn't get too personal or at least not so personal that I became uncomfortable. I like to think that I stayed at least some what amusing.

I definitely will not be blogging everyday from here on out but I will be trying to blog more often than I have in the past. I even purchased myself a tiny notebook, to mark down ideas when the mood strikes me. I should note that this notebook is turning out to be more of a "don't forget to buy...." reminder book so we will see how this pans out.

I am not sure if I met my objective which was to be more thoughtful about what I was writing as well as to be more considerate about my grammar/techniques/etc. Either way...meh...whatevs.

Now everyone should go and listen to "Yesterday" to mark this bittersweet day.  I even included several versions for the diverse tastes.
En Vogue
Frank Sinatra
Elvis Presley
Boys II Men
Ray Charles 
whatever this is

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