
This is the July Blog That Never Ends - Post #15 - Wedding Season!

I'm going to say something that may surprise many people that know me: I love weddings! Always have. Yes, the cynical, black hearted me loves a sentimental and corny wedding. Give me your electric slide, give me your buffet dinners, give me your sappy photo montages while "God Only Knows" plays, give me the bridal party choreographed dance routines and you best give me those photo booths with props! I will soak all the goodness in.

It is the one time I like to get dressed-up (usually hate it) and will voluntarily get down and boogey (which I also generally hate). I will stuff my face with food and cake and drink. It is also an excellent time to meet the other friends/family of the happy couple (OK, it is more fun to watch these people bust out their best Mom/Dad dance moves). I don't even to have a date to have a good time, that is how much I love weddings.

I feel bad for people that don't like weddings. What a better time then to celebrate the commitment of the people that you care about and to watch what will be one of the most happy moments of their entire life? I can understand personally not believing in marriage or thinking that too much money or importance it put into weddings/ceremonies, but hey, it's not your life or your decision! The one thing I do hope for, is the day when ALL marriages can be recognized which means I will have more opportunities to go to weddings of my friends/family.

I will be sending in two "yeses" to weddings I will be attending in the Fall. One family member and one college friend. Good times here I come!

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