
July Blogaplooza - Post # 2 - My Disney idol...Please Someone Tell Me What That Means!

Almost every girl/woman, and even many boys/men, can tell you who is there favorite Disney Princess. It's hard not to get swept up in the Disney-mania . Even I, an admitted cynical person that doesn't believe in fairytale endings, am a sucker for a Disney movie. If asked for my favorite Disney PRINCESS, I will say that it is Belle (but I say begrudgingly so, because just admit it...girlfriend was being held captive by her fairytale prince...scary). However, there is a Disney character that I adore far and above Belle, and for those that know me the answer might now be that surprising...


She is just fabulous. There is a flamboyance about her that is not topped by any other character. She has a healthy self body image. The make-up is flawless. I also have this feeling that she was somehow wronged in the underworld empire. Does that make her follow-up actions validated? The vindictive part of me wants to say yes, but I know healthy-normal person answer is no. But of all of the Disney villains, she seems the least "wrong.:"  Ok, I will stop defending her now.

The number reason I love her so is because she has THE BEST Villain Song in Disney history (I would even argue THE BEST Disney song in history, but I don't want to start an up roar from Disney enthusiasts).

Now you can all put your analrapist hats on (Arrested Development joke...yay) and tell me why I idolize Ursula.  GO!

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