
July Blog Days of Summer - Post #17 - How Hot Is It?

So it's been pretty hot in Milwaukee lately. For a few days straight it has been near 100 and humid. The type of humid where you can almost feel yourself walk through a wall of sweat. I'm wearing a sun dress it is that hot out. I enjoy these days in an apartment with no air conditioning. And I will continue to have no air conditioning. It is just not THAT hot out.

I don't know how hot it has to be for me to relent and buy a small air conditioner. I'm just not willing to put in the money or effort. Call me lazy and frugal. I will call myself cost conscious and earth friendly.

I usually allevate the problem of hotness and humidity by taking a cold shower, wearing as little as possible, having the fan point right at me and sleeping with no sheets on. The latter of which pains me because I have a certain environment I need in order to get me to sleep: pitch black, white noise, body pillow and blanket covering me. I will put up with it if it means I am cool and giving in to buying a flipping air conditioner.

However, if it stays this bad, I might have to hit up a movie theater (still not buying an air conditioner).

Who me?  Stubborn?

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