
July Blogomite - Post #13 - Follow Me! I Know the Way!

Put a dress and a blazer on me, and suddenly I am an expert at everything. My standard everyday wear is jeans and a t-shirt. Hair is either down or hastily thrown up in a ponytail. Make-up is a minimal. No jewelry.

When I travel for work, it is standard procedure to, at minimum, dress in business casual (even if all I am doing is flying). But if I am going from a meeting with a hotel representative straight to the airport, I am then in the airport in my business professional wear: blazer, pressed pants/skirt, make-up a little heavier and hair actually combed and "done" in some fashion, and jewelry. I actually look like a grown-up. (And I can admit it, I will even look in the mirror and say, "Damn Gurrrrl."

However, with great power comes great responsibility, because when you look professional obviously you know the answer to everything.  Take for example, my travel back to Milwaukee which landed on one of those, "must wear business professional" days. There I was, sitting at my gate, noshing on my pita chips, reading my People Magazine (please refer to the July 11th post) when the airline representative got on the intercom to announce that the pilot for our flight was still in DC and his/her arrival was yet to be determined but that we would be apprised.

Annoyed, I got up to stretch. As soon as I got up, three other passengers got up at the same time. The guy facing me grabbed his bag and asked me, "Where are we suppose to go?" I looked at him, then at the lady next to me (also standing up with her bag) and said, "Um, I didn't hear anything about a gate change. I'm just stretching."

I should have just grabbed my bags, headed to another gate, and said "Follow me, I know the way." (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade reference in ya face).

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