
July Day Late Blog - Post # 18 - Free is the Best Tasting Food There Is

At work whenever someone puts food by out coffee station, that is an indicator that it is free for the taking. True to my college self, I take those people up on the offer. Even if it is something I don't like (Oreos for example, yes! I don't like Oreos) I will eat it just because I didn't have to pay for it. Of course there are rare exceptions to that rule, such as if I believe the food may make me sick; such as red meat which I have digested in over 10 years. But even then I do second guess myself.

I even find myself going to social functions I normally wouldn't go to, because I know I will get free food. Amateur Curling League is giving out free subs?  I am there.

I know that I am not alone in this. Who doesn't like free food. I even see it developing in younger generations ask the children go to parades and attack the free candy thrown at them like little hyenas attacking their prey. Welcome to the club kids.

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