
July Deep Thoughts - Post #9 - Working on being a little less mysogynistic

: having or showing a hatred and distrust of women 
I have found that when I am around a group of women (particular women that I do not know or are not my friends) I am automatically annoyed. It's just way too much feminine energy for me. My immediate thought is, "Ugh, I hate women."

The instant that I think it, I feel horrible. Of course I don't hate women! But why does the thought even momentarily enter my mind. Many of the mentors I had in college, that lead me through diversity training, taught me how to recognize and dissect my own prejudicial thoughts. Doing so can help me start the process of changing those automatic thoughts.

I've never been a particular girly girl. I am not what "How I Met Your Mother" describes as a "woo girl". Even if they are not literally "wooing", the collective noise of women talking runs chills up my spine. I guess part of me envies these types of girls. The types of girls that have tons of female friends. They have energy, spunk, optimism and they get noticed - sure that attention might be unwanted, but hey, at least they are not blending into the wall. Maybe part of me dislikes these types of girls because they remind me of the type of girls that were mean to me in middle school (but doesn't everyone feel that way)? Perhaps I am letting society's "norm" of women being catty towards one another get to me.

That is when I remind myself that I can be annoyed by this group of individuals but what I shouldn't do is blame their gender for being annoying. I should train myself to instead think, "I hate people...sometimes."


Anonymous said...

Hey, you, Rianna, Melody and I sit around and gab.

Holland said...

Yeah, sometimes we can be so annoying :-)