
July Blogdigity Post #19 - Homegirl Needs a Massage

For some reason my entire body is sore. It is as if I have gone through some extensive marathon training, and then got run over by a freight train. Normally in these situations I would take a warm bath or would put a heating bad on my sore muscles, but in this heat...not going to happen. (Side note: when I brought up my soreness to my co-worker she said she thought it might be the heat that was causing it).

Because this has been happening for the past couple of days, I even thought about getting a massage, but then I remembered: I'm terrible at getting massages. Yes, people can be bad at getting massages. It happens.

I've gotten a professional massage three times. The first time, it was done by a VERY pregnant lady. I don't remember if it was good or not, because I was distracted the entire time, thinking to myself, "Man, do I feel guilty. A woman that is about to pop out a baby, is giving my whiney ass a massage." And then I proceeded to tip her well. The second time was fine, but at the time I was super stressed out at work. The entire time I was getting massaged, I was thinking about work and therefore tensing by body. Useless waste of the poor massage therapist's time. The third time the massage therapist's stomach was growling. I could hear it over the jazz music (that I had selected over the normal new age crap that is usually played). I was so focused on the stomach noises that I could not relax.

Or maybe all of the reasons are just excuses. Because in reality, I hate being touched by strangers. I can take a handshake, or a light punch in the shoulder. But if I don't know you all that well. Buy a girl a drink first otherwise hands off! Totally just kidding...you need to buy me a drink AND an appetizer.

Don't get me wrong. I am actually super affectionate with the people I actually know. I give good hugs, appreciate a back rub, I like to play with people's hair and for others to play with my hair (watch out, I will fall asleep), I may on occasion hold hands and I might snuggle every once in a while.  However, this can take a really long time. I'd say a year-ish. Usually it involves the person witnessing me make an ass out of myself. A few times it involves getting drunk together. It really bonds me with that person. After this I can let them enter my bubble.

If you are the offspring of my siblings...there is no probationary period. I will cuddle the crap out of you right away! No need to get drunk with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always wondered if I could actually let a stranger give me a massage...your dad has been the only person to give me massages. You are going to think this is weird...but the other day my back was really bugging me, and I couldn't wait for your dad to get home so he could rub some analgesic on it. Out of the blue, it struck me...who would massage my back if I suddenly did not have your dad. Your dad cannot die because who would rub my back for me???!! How selfish am I...of course I would miss him for many other reasons! But I think I would be forced to go out and find a regular masseuse, because every once in awhile I just need someone else to rub the areas of my back I cannot reach. stranger rubbing my back...rather unsettling.