
July Blog-view - Post #6 - Despicable Me 2 with my nephews

Before I left Sheboygan following my brief holiday visit with my family, my brother I took our two nephews to the movies to see Despicable Me 2. We met up with my sister, her husband and their two daughters.

My nephews were very excited, because A) they loved the first Despicable me, B) they still talk about the time that we took them to see Wreck-it Ralph and C) movie theater popcorn! I always remember as a kid getting really excited when I got to go to the movie theater, and am glad I get to experience that with my nieces and nephews.

Because we didn't want the kids to be sitting together four in a row, I was tasked with being the lucky one that sat right in the middle of them. I distributed the popcorn between the four of them, and shared the drinks with them when they were thirsty. I also gently touched their legs when I noticed they were kicking the seats in front of me. For the most part they were perfect angels, but I wouldn't expect any less from kids that have great parents.

The movie itself was great. Funny, cute and the illustrations were visually appealing. I still prefer the 1st move over the second, but the second movie is still "full-price" worthy. To be honest, I would have gone to see it without kids in tow (and I can't wait for the minion movie). So see it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All 4 of them will always remember their Auntie and Uncle taking them to movies.