
...Happy New Year...

So basically from the last time I posted until up to four days ago I was back in my hometown of Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Good times. Sometimes you forget how nice it is just to sleep, eat and veg out without having to worry about work, doing chores and running errands. So instead of boring you with very tedious details of my "vacation" I will bore you with unnecessarily detailed snippets of my time off:

  • My friends came to visit me and we went out for a few drinks. While at the bar I got dirty looks from girls that I went to high school with and never spoke to (let alone had a class with).
  • I didn't see any of my old high school friends mostly because I was too much of a bum to call them or make any effort to get off of my lazy ass.
  • I went shopping for gifts for four people (and some small presents for cousins) because I was a) broke and b) you guessed it, lazy.
  • Got some cool presents such as Teen Witch, Little Miss Sunshine and a box set of the Greatest Hits of Queen.
  • While at a family gathering, playing Family Feud board game my five year old cousin answered with my sisters name when asked "Who is a famous person with a big belly?" (my sister is 4.5 months pregnant). Of course he was thoroughly embarrassed but we all reassured him that, while she was not an answer, yes Rianna does have a big belly.
  • I had about as much family time as I could handle so I went back to Milwaukee and attended a Bucks game. They actually won too. Woot.
  • I spent New Years Eve at first shopping for maternity pants for my sister and then at my friend Danielle's playing Scene It and 90's Trivial Pursuit. Nice laid back night (for the most part) without heavy drinking and debauchery but what does one expect when hanging out with a pregnant lady.

What I am most proud of during my stay with my family is that I managed not to get in a fight or bring up the stupidity of my brother dropping out of UW-Madison. I am really starting to mature....well, kind of.

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