
Cute Overload is overloading in the cuteness

I cannot stop talking about CuteOverload.com. It is the best website ever. It takes little effort. Just look at the cute picture and read the short witty caption and you will be happy. It melts even the blackest of hearts, like my own.

The only downfall is that the "squee" high you experience upon seeing all the cute, might not last long enough to get you through you torturous work day. Oh wait, is that just me? However, my visit today should get me through it (along with the anticipation of tonight's long awaited return of Heroes...yippee). Here are my favorite pictures I saw today:

Mama Horse using her pony as a pillow:
Kitty in a (Packer?) sweater:
Seriously. Look at the ear holes on that tiny sweater. That crap is ridiculous.

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