
Box O' Kittens

I watched Scrubs tonight. OK, I wasn't really paying close attention, it was just on in the background and I was tuning in and out while I surfed the net, gotta multitask. However in one section that I happen to be paying close attention to had probably the funniest and best scenes ever seen on television. Here's how it went:

JD (main character who is a doctor for those who don't know/haven't watched the show) had a patient who was young and suffering from heart failure, with no prior medical condition and no family history of heart disease. He spent most of the episode worrying and obsessing over it. Later JD realized that in prior conversations he had with the woman, in which she stated that she was single and had no family, he never noticed that she was wearing a wedding ring. Apparently she was married but her husband had recently died. She was suffering damage to her heart due to stress: a broken heart (it was worded differently in the show I believe).

JD was then speaking with the the hospital therapist and asked how one cured a broken heart. This then led to one of JD's fantasies (which are standard in Scrubs episodes) in which he is standing over the woman saying that he has the cure, a box of kittens which he then proceeds to dump on her, followed by him listing off a list of side effects which I missed because I was busy giggling.

I continued to miss the rest of the episode imagining a box of kittens being dumped on me, followed by me playing, petting, kissing and cuddling with them. I think the box o' kitties would look something like this:

Come on! Who wouldn't want their own personal box of kitties? Mean people with no souls, that's who. Also, I believe this is the second time I referenced Scrubs, the first being the post when I mentioned that I named my body pillow Diego because I thought it was funny when JD named his Catalina and said it was his girlfriend.

Edited this for clarification.

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