
Negative Kudos: Pick N' Save produce department

Ah, I almost forgot about my weekly installment. Here it goes.

Last time I went shopping I was very much disappointed with the selection of produce at the Pick 'N Save where I shop. Lets list the problems I had:

  • The price: I don't buy organic for one reason alone; I can't afford it. Its one of the wonderful things about our world today. The rich can afford a healthy life style (food and exercise and the time it takes for all of that) whereas the working and lower class have to scrap buy just to load up on the groceries that lead to poor health like obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol etc. (I remember there being an article I once read for a woman's studies class that spoke more about this but I forget who wrote it. So instead I will encourage you to read Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf. Hell, that might be the book I was talking about).

Anyway, back to the food. An example of the price hike-so-high-it-caused-camel-toe. I rarely buy oranges outside the summer months because they are expensive but I always note the price for reasons I can't explain besides me being a nerd. The price of one orange raised by 15 cents from the last time I was there (about three weeks). They were trying to be all clever by declaring "4/$3" but I always notice the price increase which the oranges weren't the only victims of in the department.

  • The freshness: I was looking for lettuce. I usually eat romaine lettuce but when I neared it I noticed that it was not looking too good. There was a hot mess of brown goo going on. And even that crap was over priced. I decided to instead go with a head of iceberg lettuce which was about the size of my fist. Once again the lettuce was not the only victim of this as the entire department looked either dried and crusted up or soggy and brown.

  • The variety and amount: That of what was left and visually edible was being snapped up ferociously by the other shoppers. I managed to get out with that lettuce, apples, carrots and a celery stick (OK, two).

I know, it is winter and all over the country we are experiencing cold weather but is it really THAT bad? Maybe I just came on a bad day but I was in a bad mood for the rest of my shopping. Not even when I picked up some ice cream on sale, was I again happy. Was that too over dramatic?

Not the actual Pick 'N Save produce department.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How ironic. The last time that Dad came home from Pick & Save he also commented on how bad the vegetable selection was - and he even commented on the bad selection of lettuce (we were making taco dip for Jordan's party).