
Throat cultures, charter communications guys and thighs

My throat has been bothering me for the past week. My glands feel swollen and stuff but there is no pain. It feels like I can't swallow or breathe normally. Basically it feels like I have a big piece of bread stuck in my throat and I can't swallow it. CM tells me that I have Jesus in there, but I am thinking that is highly unlikely. When I went to go see the nurse she checked it out, took my temperature and felt my neck. She told me most likely nothing was wrong but she took a culture sample from my throat. Results will be in tomorrow, meanwhile it is the normal prescription of Advil and water.

Ri locked herself out of the car once again with the keys in the ignition. Instead of calling the AAA guys to help out, she took a wire hanger out of our roommates closet and tried to undo the lock with CM. It only took them 30 minutes and several people walking by (including the Charter guy) to get into the car. Come on Rianna it was less than two weeks ago you did the same thing.

Just a little suggestion to girls. Don't wear skirts if your thighs touch each other. It is uncomfortable and you don't want that "I am going to chafe later" feeling.


Holland said...

Captain Oily,
You wear a skirt as well? And what may I ask is you position at the restaurant. I am the entertainment. Dancing mostly.

Anonymous said...

But I thought JR was the sexy dancer?