
It is almost like I am on Big Brother

On either side of my apartment there are construction workers fixing the exterior of the apartments. It is really a nice sound to wake up to in the morning. You know the sound...the annoying "backing up" beeps of trucks and then the whiring of the crane thingy lifting. I also like being paranoid that the construction workers are able to see through the blinds of the bathroom and watch me take my clothes off before my shower. But I am pretty sure the guy that was working on the window right outside of my own bedroom could watch me take a nap because my blinds were only completely open. I can't escape them...they are everywhere. They are also right outside my livingroom window watching me watching TV. I swear the same guy has been working on the roof overhang thing for more than three days. At least they are fit...old chubby and bald. Just how I like them.

Now Playing: OKGO's don't ask me

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