
Surfers are Leather-y and Cool

This weekend I went back home to Sheboygan to host my sister's wedding shower. I was looking forward to spending a nice long Labor Day weekend with everyone. I had no idea that this weekend in Sheboygan was also, Dairyland Surf Classic.

I didn't find out that this was happening until during the shower, when guests were talking about driving past the lake and watching people stand by their cars staring at the waveless lake. Heh, suckers. Apparently there was not enough wind.

I know that Sheboygan is considered a great surf location for lakes in the United States, but my entire 18 years of living there, I have never seen A person surf on the lake. I have seen pretty large waves that individuals could surf on, if they wanted to, but no takers. I never went to competitions either, because they were never advertised well around our city.

Anyway, after the shower, my sister and I went to our mutual friend's bachelorette party. The party consisted of we-girls, bar hopping with the bride, who was wearing a "Suck for a Buck" shirt (candies double-sided taped on a shirt that anyone could take off for a dollar using their teeth). One bar we went to must have been a meeting place for all the surfers. They had bluegrass and swing bands playing and a lot of the surfer people were really friendly, talking to the bride-to-be and giving marriage advice and dollars (sometimes not even taking the candy). I couldn't help but be a little grossed out by their leather-like skin. Overly tan people creep me out.

Best quote of the night:

One of the party goers (and high school friend of my sister and bride-to-be): "Rianna, I touched your sister's boooooooooooooooooooobies."

Rianna: "Heh....What?"

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