
Geekishly Excited

Ok, I am a dork. I am super excited for the season premiere of NBC's new shoe Heroes. Seeing the previews piqued my interest. I don't know if I have always been interested in sciencey-fiction/Superhero stuff or if my brother's interest in that stuff influenced my own interest. Although there are probably some hardcore "fanboys" and "fangirls" out there that would look at this show as a rip-off or riding the X-men/Superman/Spiderman "craze." This is just something else to showoff their superhero knowledge superiority (think of them as music snobs, but replace the music with superhero stuff). Luckily, I am not one of those people. I will fully admit that my knowledge of this stuff is limited, to say the least.

What I like most is the origin stories of superheroes. How did they get their power? What happened when they discovered it? What pulled them into the good/evil side?

In college I took a literature course that was only on graphic novels. We talked a lot about heroes and anti-heroes and the human condition. I am not being facetious in saying that it was fascinating. It really was and it stays one of my favorite courses in college. The professor did a really good job at converting a lecture full of over 100 students, into comicbook/graphic novel nerds.

Anyway, I will be watching the show tonight. To close, I will share what my super human power would be:

I am going to be unoriginal and say---Mind Control (ala-Jean Grey/Phoenix on X-Men)


Anonymous said...

You ARE a geek! Although...

Your brother says to tell you that it is only now that you have become cool.

Anonymous said...

You are a geek! Although...

your brother says to tell you that it is only no that you have become cool.