
Maid of Honor: Why I Will Never Agree to This Crap Again

If I haven't stated it before, my sister is only 11 months older than me. She is just barely older than me, but older than me nonetheless. Growing up, she never let me or my younger brothers forget it. She was in charge. It was her way or... Well there is no end to that statement because there was no question or argument against it.

During our childhood we were close. All the kids were close. It didn't hurt that the four of us were about four years apart. But then, ah, sweet puberty hit. With it came hormones and mood swings. Looking back at it, I think I was the most effected by it. My mom said that I would walk around with a constant rainstorm over my head. I will admit I did, it had more to do with me hating middle school than anything else. For some reason, I think this effected the closeness that my sister and I had. We were still close, just not as close as we once were. We had our own friends and spent time with them alone. Once my sister went off to college, and I followed suit the next year, we became BFF once again.

Her and her fiance announced their engagement this past Christmas and soon afterward she told me I was the Maid of Honor (not that she had much choice in the matter because if she chose anyone besides me my mom would probably cause some sort of damage). My sister reassured me that she would chose me either way.

So last Christmas. That gives them 10 months about to plan and save up for their wedding. Doesn't give me a ton of time to find a job that pays well so I can throw a good shower and bachelorette party. Money and creativity are two necessities in throwing a god shower and party for my sister. I possess neither.

This goes back to my initial paragraph, of my sister being the typical oldest sibling. She wants things her way. Heaven forbid it not go her way. When I first started to send out the invitations for the shower, I told my sister what I was doing. Including note cards so the guests could write down their favorite recipes on them. When Rianna found out that I wasn't decorating them, she got upset with me. She was upset about the note cards? Oh boy, was she going to be upset about the entire shower.

The weeks/days proceeding the shower, she would call me and ask me how I was doing with the planning. I would tell her what I had planned/still had to do and as I would get off the phone with her, I could just hear the disappointment in her voice.

Needless to say I was a nervous wreck for the few days before and during the shower. You know it is bad when your parents are nervous for you as well (I caught my mom the night before re-doing the gift card collection box I made because she said Rianna would complain).

Luckily, it went off well. A lot of guests showed up (without RSVPing of course). There was a lot of food. Decorations were sparse but did the job. Games went well. The party favors were good, but you got the feeling that people were unimpressed with them (people left them there and/or threw them away). They should have just pitied a poor girl and throw it away at home!

Most important of all. No complaining by the bride. Yippee. Well, at least no complaining to my face.

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