
For those who care

Yes, Heroes, was awesome. The pacing was a little odd, but I think that is due to the fact that the cast is so large and they aren't currently interacting with each other (although the pilot shows that they are all somehow connected, in some kind of Six Degrees kind of way). My opinion of some of the characters so far (giving almost all nicknames because I don't know their names well enough):

Hiro: Japanese guy who can stop/bend time and transport himself. He is your standard comic book geek who is super excited about his new abilities. I am liking him so far.
Cheerleader girl: She is unbreakable. Seems a little saddened by her abilities but at the same time curious to see how far she can push herself. Also revealed at the end that she may be adopted. Is one or both of her parents a Hero as well?
Stripper Mom: She has some kind of alter ego/dual personality, which she sees in the mirror. I am still not totally understanding what exactly her power is, but it is the most intriguing. She also has a genius son, who so far, doesn't appear to have any powers.
Politico guy's brother: Thought he could fly, but apparently could not. He is kind of annoying, in that ideal angst-y kind of way, but from the previews for future episodes it seems like he is still some how a central figure to the heroes. I have read on other forums that he may be an empath. I am hoping some kind of human cerebo (See X-Men).
Politico guy: He is the flyer. He is also an asshole, which isn't surprising since he is a politician.
Indian professor: Following up on his dad's research on human potential. I get the feeling that he is going to be a kind of Professor Xish figure on the show. Oh, and the actor who plays him is really nice to look at.
Drug addicted painter: Paints the future (while high?). I felt his character wasn't shown enough, but you get the feeling he is extremely tormented by his powers. If he doesn't need to be high to see the future, I am confused in wondering if he needs his painting abilities to see the future, or can he envision them on his own?
Drug addicted painter's girlfriend: I can do without her just because she is boring so far. Get a storyline please.
Cheerleader's Adoptive Dad: Seems to be chasing the heroes and people connected to them. Is he evil? So far I am saying yes. Does he know about his daughter's abilities? If not, what will he do when he finds out?

Kind of soap opera-y but I am still looking forward to future episodes.

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