
And for a little change...A Hate Filled Blog

Do you know what I hate most in the world? A top 10

1. Headaches that won't go away. The kind that have no apparent cause. Any type of pain reliever doesn't get rid of it. The kind that feel like someone is constantly hitting you in one spot in your head. The kind that makes you sensitive to light. No, I don't think it is a migraine because it isn't debilitating.

2. Loud talker and/or laughers. People with annoying laughs are added into this. I can't stand it. Oh, I would be added into this as well. I never thought much about my laugh, but once a friend told me my laugh was funny and weird. And then later another friend told me that my laugh annoyed him, but then he grew to like it. So now I know that when someone says that your laugh is unique or cute that what they really are saying is that they want to throw a brick at your head to make you stop.

3. Idiots that use parking/turning lanes to go straight through an intersection. If it were a perfect world I could ram my car into their car without hurting anyone and not causing any damage to MY car.

4. People who pity me because I am not in a relationship and because I say I don't want to get married and have kids (even if I found a man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with). Beside some benefits laws give (SAME-SEX) marriages, I don't see the point. Promising someone eternity is just the same thing, minus a wedding ceremony and reception.

And just because I don't want to get married and have kids does not mean that I look down on people that do and devote their life to that process. I believe people should be able to live their life they way that they want to.

5. The fact that tight pants and tights are now back in fashion. The fashion world really hates me huh? Well at least I can look back at pictures of myself (as I am at this point in time) 10 years from now and not be embarrassed by the way I look. T-shirts and jeans never look weird. I made all my fashion fau-paux (SP?) when I was in elementary school, and that was all my mom's doing. Yes mom, it was all your fault. Shame (wiggles finger in her direction).

6. A certain somebody that is my mortal enemy, and I don't even think that individual is aware of it. I imagine if we were superheroes, I would be the good guy with a dark edge and my mortal enemy would be the "good guy" exterior with truly evil and vile motives.

7. Ann Coulter- 'nuff said

8. Styro-foam - the sound of it rubbing grates my last nerve

9. Exercising. Whatever fool said that exercising "energizes" you and that you will get over that period of loathing working out is just dead wrong. I have been regularly working out for almost 4 months now and I still dread it. But I am doing it nonetheless.

Also, you know how some people say that because of the release of endorphins while exercising you are more likely to be attracted to someone (ex. Running in a park I may pass I guy and want to jump him, both figuratively and literally, when normally I would think that guy is average to fugly). I don't thing this works for me. Instead of wanting to jump people's bones, I want to punch. For example, when the sweaty and stinky guy decides to use the machine next to me, I start to work out faster to prevent me from punching that man in the face when normally I would not even notice nor care.

10. The person that broke off my atennea from my car. Thanks to that douchebag I can only get three radio stations to come in.

Ok, my rant is over.

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