
Holy Crap! It's Fall.

This blog would be confusing to those who never lived in a climate where there are 4 distinct seasons. Wisconsin is one of those climate. Fall is nothing like summer, summer is nothing like spring etc. As much as I complain about the cold winters and the hot and humid summers, I enjoy this type of climate. You get to experience of both worlds. The only thing that sucks about it is the unpredictable-ness of it all. The temperature and weather can really turn suddenly and drastically.

One of the great things about the seasonal changes is how it sneaks up on you. For example, I suddenly realized the sudden change to fall this past weekend. Perhaps it was because it was raining for a week straight before it, that I did not notice the leaves starting to change color and fall of the trees, or the crisp-coolness of the air starting to settle in. I think fall is my second favorite season, following summer.

Whenever I think of Wisconsin seasons this is what I think of:

Spring in Wisconsin: Rain, rain and more rain. Not even the pleasant warm rain. No, I am talking the cold, and humid rain. The type where you develop a cold immediately if you even stand in it for 2 minutes. And it never really feels sunny. It almost always feel grey. I don't know why, but when I think of spring, I think of depression which is weird since spring is almost always thought of as a rebirth and sunny.

Summer: Short, but hot and humid. It's surprising that a state that is relatively far north can get this sweltering during the summer months, but it does. I know that it isn't right to complain considering some states deal with summer heat hitting well over 100, but if people from warm states can complain about 40 degree weather (and bundle up like it is freezing) then I have the right to complain about mid-80 to upper 90 degree weather.

Fall: Usually dry, cool and crisp, and I think of as sunny (especially early fall). Wisconsin has some of the prettiest colors to when you go out to the wooded areas for hikes.

Winter: Snow can sometimes start falling before Thanksgiving, but doesn't get into continual falling until January. Lately the winters have been mild but I remember when there would be heavy snow storms with strong wind drifts and feeling like the snow banks were as tall as my dad (6 feet). Of course everything is exaggerated as a kid, but I can tell that the snow hasn't been that big since then.

In summary I like having 4 seasons.

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