
Last Minute Bombardment of Valentine's Day...

Valentine's Day for me, is like Christmas for many naysayers: extremely over commercialized. Every year it is torturous for me. How could there be one day out of the year (two for people who celebrate Sweetest Day, or Sweatiest Day as my dad so famously wrote on a card for my mom when they first started dating) that you are expected to show your love one that you love them with candy, cards and lingerie. Don't forget the never ending advertising that goes on a month, sometimes earlier, beforehand. Apparently, they are even commercializing on anti-valentine's sentiments. Hey, step off my sub-culture, man.

Last year, living with two females that were either in an established relationship or starting a new one, I felt like I was in hell. The cutesy-ness of it all is enough to make my skin crawl even now.

I thought this year was going well. I do not have any roommates to make me gag at all the stories about the "cute" things their boyfriends did for them (Rianna if you are reading this, I am only half-kidding, heh). The advertising for Valentine's didn't seem so aggressive. Then the day came and all bets were off. I am seeing so many ads for gift ideas for your loved ones. I am getting a "Happy Valentine's" here, and e-mail there and of course the dreaded question, "So what are your plans?" ARGH! I don't mind the well wishings for the day (there should be more "Happy Day"s going on, instead of the few days we get to say it, based off what the US calendar tells us), I don't mind the e-mails (these in fact are more amusing than anything else). What I hate is that question. My reply is always snarky, "I am spending the night with my TV," or something equally sad and embittered. Ads, I can do without also. Perhaps if they didn't make everyone looks so materialistic.

In reality, I don't want to feel bitter. Single people are expected to feel this way on a day to celebrate couples and love. And for those who know me, I am such a rebel to expectations.

For those of you who are equally as nerdy as me, here is the History of Valentine's Day. I don't think the idea about putting names into an urn is that bad. At least then someone would be forced to get to know me and I would get a few dates out of the situation, muhahaha. But knowing my luck I would be stuck with someone I didn't find attractive, intelligent or interesting.

I am not bitter, superficial or picky so you all can shut it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Hollie,

Valentine's Day is really only a big deal for those with a significant other who are not yet married...or newly wed. Sure, you might still "celebrate" by giving gifts and cards, but the day is still the same as any other. Don't let the ads fool you.

But, just in case you didn't know this, you are Loved!:)

Love, Mom (and Dad)

Holland said...

Mother, you mustn't worry about me. The blog was meant to be funny in my dry sarcastic bitter way. I know I am loved, and I love you!

Guess what else...I put together my table set, all by myself. I am such a big girl.