
A bizarre Dream and a Barrel of Fun

I had a very weird dream last night. Of course I don't remember the whole thing, but there is a certain segment that I do remember. It involved me being with a group of friends (these were made up friends because no one looked familiar) at what seemed to be ski resort. Some of us decided to go on the ski lift, just for fun. Well it ended up going really high. Once it hit the peak of the mountain, the ski lift accelerated even faster and continued to climb into the sky. The altitude was so high that I couldn't breathe. But the weirdest thing of all was that I was enjoying it. It was like an amusement park ride. Then without explanation, the ski lift dropped really fast, sort of like the Raging Bull from Six Flags. You think that people would be scared of a ski lift suddenly dropping, but no I was still screaming with glee. The sensations of dropping and the snow hitting my face, felt so real. I don't remember the rest of the dream from this point on.

Recently I was having this conversation with a Public Allies friend about Peter, the blow up doll that I inherited from Dawn. We decided that it would be a funny idea to bring it over to a get together that another Public Allies friend was having. A sort of house warming gift if you will. Well, it went over extremely well. I think Peter will have some good times with his new family. (The funniest thing about bringing Peter over was that I had my friend Carrie blow him up while we were driving over there. It must have been a sight for people who were standing in the streets and saw us at stop sights. We also stopped to get some fries at this restaurant, so we left Peter sitting in the backseat. When we finished eating and started to drive again Peter scared me when I would look in the rearview mirror It is so creepy).

My scores for Saturday nights bowling league...83, 98 and 137. Yes, I realize that I kick some major ass.

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