
That's morbid, and kind of funny

I have the workshops I hold for my job at this senior housing pavilion/recreation center deal. As I was waiting for the most recent workshop to start, and for no one to come, I was reading the newspaper that was on the table next to me. It was called 50 plus. On the front cover, they had a picture of the oldest and youngest graduates of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The youngest 19 (started college at 16. This angers me. Not only is she able to start school at 16, but she manages to finish in less than 4 years. I hope she dies a firey death. Ok, not really but she still sucks.) and the oldest was 67. Holla! I love education, and I love to see people finish off their schooling. And that last statement was not sarcatic, Finger Up! (For those of you not knowing the inside joke, go here and watch the performance of the one and only Girls Guitar Club, now defunct. I wish they were still together. You can also go here to find a short they made staring E (Mark Evertt) of the Eels).

Anyway, to the morbid part. I was flipping through the pages, when I noticed something funny. They had an ad for those who were interested in selling their homes, right next to senior living facilities. Then, right next to that, a FUNERAL HOME ad. The ad had some happy faces of senior citizens on it. How fitting. It's like the cycle of life: you sell your house, you live in some crappy nursing home, you go to the funeral home. I wish I would have taken the newspaper and scanned the ad, because the pictures were the funniest part.

Although I found it humorous I was still disturbed by it. I will always be disturbed by death and the marketing of the products surrounding it. Yet that ad was not as disturbing as the commercial I saw for a funeral home staring the funeral home owner's children basically saying, "My parents work at a funeral home. Look at how cool they are. I am cool because I am their offspring. We are cool together." Ew. Just gross.

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