
Dancing is not my specialty


Free Beer! It was some kind of special a bar was having for Lakefront Brewery. Of course, I only had one cup at which I drank at a leisurely pace. Watched everyone else drink it up. Once again, not annoying and extremely funny. I always feel much more relaxed when everyone else is drunk and having fun. I feel like, when I am drunk myself, I need to show how NOT drunk I am, but when I am sober and around drunk people that are having fun, it allows me to loosen up a bit. Besides the free beer, I also partook in the Guinness Toast. I have never heard of this before, but apparently it is a worldwide thing. I am starting to warm up to the Guinness, it isn't that bad.

I did my usual dancing while sitting in my chair. I was working it out, robot style. I rarely dance but I love to bop to the music. Then one of my co-workers tried to teach me the rock-with-it-lean-with-it dance. That was a disaster. Basically, I should not be allowed to dance at all. Not even slow dance. I remember a slow dance I had at one of my high school proms (yes, I actually went to some). A guy friend of one of my friends was nice enough to ask me to dance. It was awkward and very typical of an awkward high school slow dance. Arm width apart, dancing in a circle really fast. I was just praying for it to be over, because the guy was kind of creepy.

Unfortunately, my dancing is not even funny/goofy. It is just sad.

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