

The debate would have been so much cooler if there were straight out disses. Like President Bush would say something about invading Iraq to fight the war on terrorism. Kerry's rebuttal would be, "Dude, we are totally fighting the wrong dudes. Like we should be focusing our battle on Afghanistan, Iran or North Korea. All which totally do have weapons of mass destruction. OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH.......You have just been served!!!!!! SNAP!!!" This would make the debate much more fun to watch. What would be even more great is if Kerry would say, "Bring it on!" and Bush would reply, "It has already been brought-en" ala Not Another Teen Movie. (I did steal this idea from my sister).

I was making posters with my fellow Wunk Sheekers for our Anti-Columbus Day demonstration coming up. Lina made a poster with the phrase "Help, Help! I'm being oppressed" with a little stick figure running. I will reward the person that can guess what movie that came from.


Man!!! No one gives any love to the breasts anymore.

Gosh!!! Back in the day I would have all kinds of people complimenting the breasts. Like they were a work of art. They passed the pencil test. Lesbians...Straight fratty men...It did not matter who it was...They would tell me how nice they were. I never was fond of them. Nowadays, there is no love. Maybe they don't pass the test. I haven't tried since sophomore year. They don't look any different.


As I was cuddling with my body pillow boyfriend, Diego...

The only men I need in my life are my body pillow, Diego, and the blow up doll, Peter Pecker. My sister and I bought Peter as a present for a friend, who gave it back after she moved to Seattle for grad school. She said something about it being creepy to have the doll in her apartment (with her living by herself). She thought it is funnier if there is an apartment full of girls. Don't get me wrong, nothing kinky happens between myself and Diego and/or Peter. I just cuddle. In fact Peter is a communal cuddler for the apartment. CM especially loves him. But Diego is mine (and Charlie's I guess).


Ouch!!! Out dissed!!!

I really like being recognized. I was sitting in the College Library computer lab when I felt a person walking toward my general direction. This person put his hand on my shoulder and kept it there while he said, "Holland? Right?" I looked up to a semi-familiar face and just smiled awkwardly and said, "Eh, yeah." He said something that I couldn't really comprehend because the sound of blood pumping through my ears was distracting me. I am pretty sure it was something about a class we were in together. I just said yes again and walked away as he was sitting by the computer next to me. Now, I was already prepared to leave before he confronted me so it wasn't entirely because he scared me. I really hope he didn't chose that specific computer so he could sit next to and reminisce about our class (which I later came to the conclusion was a Spanish class freshman year). People should know better than talk to me if they hardly know me. It gives me small panic attacks.

While sitting in my Comparative Literature (Comics) lecture, I had the sense that I may be not deep. We are reading Violent Cases, and we were interpreting the main characters feelings toward the town and how that reflected the feelings toward his father. I did not get this reference while reading because I am not deep. However, being not deep does not make me shallow. There is a distinct difference between being not deep and being shallow. Shallow, I believe, implies that one does not care about the deeper meaning to things. Being not deep means that I cannot see the deeper meaning but really would like to know. This is why I like to take literature classes. It can help me be deep, or at least somewhat deep.


I'd really like to help out but for some reason I don't believe you.

I really like those emails I get from King's wives/daughters etc. from Congo/Kenya/Tanzania wherever asking for my help in transferring large sums of money in to another account. I am pretty sure that if the average American is patient enough to read through the entire email that they would not be stupid enough to fall for that shoot. Then again I hold the people of America in high regard. Eh, yeah. But really, who would fall for that. Unless they are really stupid and think that they can some how make money out of that deal. No one would do it out of the goodness of their hearts, especially if they won't adopt a child for 33 cents a month, or however much the going rate of third world children are these days. All I can say is bravo to those who came up with this identify theft plan masquerading as a money transfer thing. It really is working me over.


Throat cultures, charter communications guys and thighs

My throat has been bothering me for the past week. My glands feel swollen and stuff but there is no pain. It feels like I can't swallow or breathe normally. Basically it feels like I have a big piece of bread stuck in my throat and I can't swallow it. CM tells me that I have Jesus in there, but I am thinking that is highly unlikely. When I went to go see the nurse she checked it out, took my temperature and felt my neck. She told me most likely nothing was wrong but she took a culture sample from my throat. Results will be in tomorrow, meanwhile it is the normal prescription of Advil and water.

Ri locked herself out of the car once again with the keys in the ignition. Instead of calling the AAA guys to help out, she took a wire hanger out of our roommates closet and tried to undo the lock with CM. It only took them 30 minutes and several people walking by (including the Charter guy) to get into the car. Come on Rianna it was less than two weeks ago you did the same thing.

Just a little suggestion to girls. Don't wear skirts if your thighs touch each other. It is uncomfortable and you don't want that "I am going to chafe later" feeling.


Pretty Boys and desperate women

Courtney Mary wishes she were me. Because she would be able to see pretty boys on her walks from class to class to home to wherever. I am very much privileged in this sense. Jesus is good to me.

So I actually watched an episdoe of Real World this past weekend and it made me really sad. There is this girl named Sara(h) and she is very fond of herself. She finds herself especially hot and sexy. She convinces herself that one of her roomates (MJ) is attracted to her and wants her sexually. So she touches and basically comes close to humping his leg at any chance she gets, even though she knows he has a girlfriend. Her explanation is that there is sexual tension between them.....yeah right. He seems not interested in her per se but just interested in getting a piece of ass (which she says she has no problem with and no strings attached). Lucky for her he and his girlfriend broke up. oooOOOooo Good Luck Sarah!!!


Not much new to talk about...

I want to see if my changes worked or if i am being tricked.


Possum Kingdom

While I was making my way home from the house party and bar I went to last night, I talked on the phone with my friend Alyssa about how much fun I had (eye roll). As I reached the bottom of the stairwell leading to my apartment I saw this big white beady-eyed hairless-tailed possum staring back at me. Now, I am not a girly screamer but I did let out a good girly scream, right into the phone leading into Alyssa's ear. I must have made so much noise that the girls that lived in the apartment below me came out and told me that they also saw the same possum when they came home. Alyssa told me to throw something at it, so I grabbed an empty hot calking (sp?) container in the dumpster left over from the creepy construction workers. This did not deter that stupid possum. So the girls from downstairs told me to try to walk past it, which I tried and just made the possum walk further up the stairs. Still on the phone with Alyssa, I told her I was going to her place for while. 30 minutes later that possum was no where to be seen.

Oh, and I know what some of you are thinking, no it was not a drunken hallucination!!!



Damn you ezula!!!!

Until recently, I had no idea what spyware or adware was. It was just this silly term that I saw on pop-ups. Now I am more than aware of these things. My computer has become infected with them so much so that it cannot even run at a decent pace. I move my mouse pad about 12 inches and the cursor only moves about 3 centimeters. My roommate told me about ad-aware which apparently is one of the most high recommended anti-spyware software stuff to get (now you must be getting the sense of how un-techy I am). So I downloaded it and it worked. HOWEVER, it has not helped to stop the infestation. The spyware keeps on coming at a faster pace. I also just recently became aware that as I run my Ad-aware I am actually getting more spyware. So really it is rather useless. So in one day I run my ad-aware about three times. Some of my favorite spyware or other stuff I get is ezula and my daily horoscope. In conclusion, I like computer and technology.

Now Playing: The Anniversary's all things ordinary

P.S. If by any slim chance there is someone (anyone) reading this that knows a better solution to my problem, please let me know. Feck, even if you don't know what to do at least let me know if someone is reading this.


White headphones and crazy sidewalk sweepers

I just thought of another fashion must have for this fall semester. To match those yellow Livestrong cult bracelets, a person just must be wearing the white Ipod headphones. I mean, everyone on my campus is wearing them, so they must be cool. You do not necessarily have to obtain one of those Ipod things which could run you 300 dollars. I mean, really...who has the money to purchase one of those things. Just go ahead and buy yourself a pair of the headphones. Run the end of the cord into your pocket so no one will know if you really have an Ipod or not. You will be the envy of everyone walking past you on the streets. But beware. There are some folks who will be so jealous, they might mug you. It is just the price you will have to pay to be fashion-savvy.

One last thing. I really wanted to sweep my balcony today because when people go in and out they track in a bunch of leaves. It seemed logical if there are no leaves on the balcony there are no leaves to track in. When I got myself outside broom and all and started the process of actually sweeping, I notice that I had become one of those crazy sidewalk sweepers. You know what I am talking about because you probably had them in your neighborhood. Those people that swept the dirt of their sidewalks and you always wondered to yourself, "what are they doing? How can you stop dirt from collecting on the sidewalk...the sidewalk is outside...with the dirt!!!" I maybe took four sweeps before I realized how stupid I looked.


Livestrong Cult

For the longest time I thought there was a new cult a-brewing. These cult members wore yellow plastic-foam like bracelets. At first I thought it was just an athlete thing because I saw a bunch of people I knew were runners wearing them and everyone at the gym was wearing them too. However as this school year started, I noticed that there were many sorority girls and frat boys wearing the bracelets as well. So then I thought it was a athletic/Greek thing to wear. Then I started to see non-athletic, non-Greek people wearing them as well. The next natural explanation was that there was some kind of cult in which the members had to showcase their devotion with yellow cheap jewelry. One day I finally had the courage to approach one of these people wearing the bracelet. Well okay I had one of my friends ask them. Apparently they are a fundraiser for a Lance Armstrong cancer fund, or something like that. They only cost one dollar, or so I was told. They say Livestrong on them. So, now I am relieved that there is not a brainwashing cult around, instead people are promoting a good cause. The cynical part of me also believes that some people are wearing them as part of a trend. If its true at least it is a good trend.


My mom is funny

This came from a conversation I had with my mom instant messaging online. We were discussing how much other tribal blood she had in her besides Menominee. I was telling her that she could switch to Bad River Ojibwe if she wanted to because she had enough blood quantum to enroll. She said no and this was her reason:
---Because I think there are fewer Menominee, so if the tribe was repatriated or whatever, there would be more benefits for each individual
---whatever, I wouldn't switch because it is one of the only ways to remember my dad, I think it would be like denying him
---besides, everyone is ojibwe
---or related to one

So my mom is back in college now that all the kids are away. She is taking a philosophy course. She told me that while working in a small group during this class the "kids" in her group were going to give a wrong answer to a question. My mom being very soft spoken does not like to speak in class or in front of people she doesn't know well. However, she finally spoke up and told them the right answer. I was kidding around with my mom telling her that she was showing them up and she responded:
--- no, it just was their answer was completely wrong

Oh, I love my mommy


It is almost like I am on Big Brother

On either side of my apartment there are construction workers fixing the exterior of the apartments. It is really a nice sound to wake up to in the morning. You know the sound...the annoying "backing up" beeps of trucks and then the whiring of the crane thingy lifting. I also like being paranoid that the construction workers are able to see through the blinds of the bathroom and watch me take my clothes off before my shower. But I am pretty sure the guy that was working on the window right outside of my own bedroom could watch me take a nap because my blinds were only completely open. I can't escape them...they are everywhere. They are also right outside my livingroom window watching me watching TV. I swear the same guy has been working on the roof overhang thing for more than three days. At least they are fit...old chubby and bald. Just how I like them.

Now Playing: OKGO's don't ask me


I like computers

Now Playing: Lipps' Funkytown

I am waiting for my acrobat reader to load this thing i need to read....oh there it is now I can read.

P.S. It is black and white in the corner of my screen...please tell me how to fix this if I can


If it smells like funk it must be us

now playing: Weezer's "The Good Life"

Today I like Ironmen, Chancellor's Scholars get togethers and laundry. I also like catching up on my reading which I am far behind in. Maybe I should have never gone to college. It is pointless. I won't have a good job. I would probably make more money working in a factory then my future job, whatever it may be. HMMMMMM....I wonder if I can get a job at my dad's place or I can work at the sausage factory with Perry.


Courtney!!! Go lay in the street!!!

I got a new cellphone. It is about twice the size of my old one. Basically you should always get a Samsung phone of any mobile because they are swell. The coolest thing about my new phone... Speakerphone. Oh Dawn just got online. I have to go and talk to her about her wild times in Seattle.


Why I think all sorority girls travel in packs

In my discussion today I saw two especially annoying girls chatting away wearing identical clog like things that were really ugly (bright neon orange and pink with weird wholes) and then they were joined by three other equally annoying friends. I was not surprised to find out that almost all of them were from the East coast (which most likely means the are in a sorority). Some of the girls weren't even in the discussion but were begging the TA to let her into the discussion. The group of girls also wanted to be in the same "debate group". Also did I fail to mention that the TA made a joke about being half Japanese and half Jewish and then called herself Jap squared. I mean this is a class about Ethnic Movements and the TA just said one of the most un-PC comments in the world.


Girls on the UW-Madison campus are cool

So I am taking a Soc 640 class (sociology of family) and this girl is commenting on the discussion on the "decline of family" and she made some comment like "Well, I plan on not working and staying home with my children and letting my husband work". This angered me because she is taking a very valuable spot away from someone who actually wants an education to get a career. Fecking girls getting their MRS degree.