
You know what I miss???

I miss the days of Jock Jams. The days of making up dance routines to songs like, BelBivDevoe (or whatever they are called)'s Poison. The days of dancing up a storm in my friend's kitchen to K7's Come Baby Come and doing the Toostie Roll at middle school dances. Those songs remind me of a more innocent time. A time where I was so super excited about having "cool" friends. You know, the friends that would go to the park so they could smoke behind the park shed while I watched (or in some situations played look out) because I was too much of a good girl in participating.

If anything, these songs most remind me of a friend, who I no longer talk to, named Josh. I knew him as a younger child. His cousins used to live in the flat above mine, and my family and his family didn't get along. It wasn't until I met him again about 5 years later, both of us in our early teens, that we became friends. He was one of those "cool" people that stayed out waaaaay past the city curfew and he smoked and drank. Outwardly he had a very tough exterior, but when he was with me he was much more sensitive.

Mostly, when we were together, we talked about his undying love for my sister. I tried to support him, never really telling him that my sister was aware, and not interested, in his affections (Oddly enough, last news I did hear about him was that he was living in another city...with his boyfriend, go figure). After awhile, we just naturally drifted apart, but whenever they play those old Jock Jams-type songs on the radio, I think of our good times together.

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