
So...do you like...stuff?

Today I went to a Teen Services Workshop. It was 99% about teen pregnancy. It kind of made me depressed. I don't know what I was expecting going into the workshop. Maybe some after school programs that were available, or college prep courses, or anything really. How could I, cousin to a 16 year old girl who is pregnant with baby #2, not know the reality of today's situation. Fooey to kids today for not knowing/caring about safe sex. If I every have kids (that is a strong IF) I am encasing their entire bodies in latex, or lamb's skin if they are allergic to latex. OK, maybe I won't really do that but I will make sure that get proper sex education (along with knowing the physical, mental and emotial ramifications). Screw abstinence only education.

Today I heard the phrase, "He made the entire office smell like Olde English," come out of my supervisor's mouth and it made me smile for the rest of the afternoon. Nothing like mentioning a 40 oz to amuse me so. I think a lot of my friends who think I am a lush will be surprised to know that I never drank from a 40 oz before. See, I am a good girl.

I also feel the need to share this, since I love blogs about cute animals and wacky tags/commentary.

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