
I had a good weekend...

On Friday night I went to the Public Allies Artful Living Auction. I was a little hesistant to go at first. It would cost me $20 to mingle among a crowd that consisted of individuals who were not my number one fan. On the plus side, I would have an entire night of complementary beer and wine and my friends outnumbered my non-fans. Oh yeah, and there's that whole thing about giving money to a good cause, blah blah blah. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be, and I actually looked halfway decent. I would like to thank H&M for providing a skirt that provided shape.

After the auction we went to a bar. I had one whole beer and sat down the whole time, minus a few time I hit up the bathroom, where my friend Mario, while freshing up his makeup, informed me that I would be carrying his child sometime in the future. Afterwards my friends tried to convince me to travel to an entire new neighborhood to hang out. I said I would. I even followed them outside the bar, where I proceeded to hail my own cab and drive to my own apartment. Even the cab drive was awesome. I provided some counseling to the him about his girlfriend problems. There must be something about me, that makes people be so open and honest with me, even though they first met me.

There was even more good times on Saturday. I drove myself to Madison, to attend the Wunk Sheek annual spring pow wow. First I met up with my sister and her husband at the Nitty Gritty. They really wanted to eat there beforehand. They seem to miss Madison bar/late night food. You know what? So do I. (Tuesday Nights 2-for-1 deal and Pokey sticks? I don't know why we thought three girls could finish off 2 XL of those beasts).

The pow wow itself was great. I love pow wows. I love just closing my eyes and listening to the drums. I love looking at all the dancing and mentally drowning out the music. It is almost as if I looked and listened at the same time, I would be put on sensory overload or my heart would explode from the joy of it all. Ew, I just got corny there for a second. What is the best part of pow wows? Reunions.

There were so many people I met up with that I haven't seen in years. While we were talking and catching up with our lives (meeting children that were birthed or in my sisters situation saying hello to bumps that will eventually become children) we would always stop and remark at how grown up we have all become. Weird, I don't feel much like a grown up.

I stayed in Madison that night to go out for a couple of drinks with my friend Lina. She had her daughter about four monthes ago, so I was more than happy to hang out with her (and she was thrilled to get a night off). We each had two drinks, which means we partied it up hard, heh.

About 30 minutes before we left, I went to the bathroon and took a look in the mirror. I decided I was of the "looks like she hasn't taken a shower in a few days" variety of fug. When I came back, about 5 minutes later Lina and I had two guys approach us, asking us the normal, "So you two from around here," type stuff. Lina had mentioned something about graduating with a BA in history. One guy shot over quickly and spoke with her individually, as he was also in the history deparment. I had a hunch before hand (what with the early revelation in the bathroom) that I had the wingman (I know there is a name for the girl/guy that the wingman is stuck with but I forget). I learned that he did kung fu, and grew up in the hanging around in the neighborhood that I know live in, he hoped someday to visit Haiwaii.

A short while later it was bar close, we said our goodbyes. Kung Fu guy said that he hoped to see me around sometime. Yeah, I will totally randomly run into you the next time I randomly visit Madison. I'll put in my calender. Stupidhead. As we were walking to the car, Lina said something about how she was the one talking with the wingman. My response was, "Are you kidding me? I had the wingman." Friends always think alike.

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