Second post in a row where the topic is sleep-related. Lately I have been obsessed with dreams and sleep. Probably because I don't think I have been getting enough of it lately. I've also been made aware of things I do in my sleep, or in a semi-sleep state.
I remember once during the summer after high school. I worked at Kohl's Department Store and had to work the "early bird special" day. I had to get up at 4am to be at work by 5am. That night I couldn't get to sleep and didn't fall asleep until probably 2 (it was most likely later). When the alarm clock went off, I turned it off and jumped out of bed. I sort of forgot that I was in the upper part of a bunk bed and went crashing straight into the ground. My sister, who was asleep in the lower bunk told me that I got up like nothing was wrong, and went walking out of the room. She asked me if I was OK as I was heading toward the bathroom. She said I mumbled something incoherent and walked off. When she told me about it later I told her (and meant it) that I didn't remember.
Later in college something similar happened. I was getting out of my lofted bed, to help a friend search for another friend that had just earlier sleptwalked (is that a word?) out of my room. I once again forgot about being higher off the ground that I remembered and went crashing down into the ground, this time a bucket of cleaning supplies broke my fall. My friend said I once again got up like nothing was wrong and walked out of my dorm room. We found our friend brought her back. I woke up the next morning and found my elbow had ballooned to twice its size and that there was a big hole punctured in my bucket of cleaning supplies. My friend told me what happened that next day.
Then there was last night. I woke up thinking I had a dream about my mom calling me and letting me know that my teenage cousin was in labor and setting up plans to go home and spend time with the family. Taking a shower this morning, I was trying to remember if that was a real experience, or just a dream. I checked my phone, and realized that it actually happened. I am capable of entire conversations while in a semi-awake state.
Maybe its genetic. Recently, while on the phone with my sister, I found out that my dad sleep eats. Something that none of his kids knew about, until one late night my brother and his friends were playing poker and my dad got out of his bedroom, went to the fridge and starting eating left overs. Apparently my brother tried to talk to him, but he was not responding. Creepy.
So basically what I really want to say if that my cousin is ruining my weekend by having her baby during a time when I had plans on hanging out with friends (or in this case see my friend's band who I haven't seen in a long time). She's lucky I love her and her offspring.
This is where I will talk about my general love of people. All people can be loved by me, I do not discriminate. Did I mention that I am one Sarcastic Bee?
It has been about 3 years and 5 months since my grandmother passed away, and I still find that I think about her daily. Sometimes I still have to catch myself when I think about her being alive, and when I will see her next, what I will tell her about my life that is new and ask her about her latest ailment (because she had oh-so-many)that is bothering her. Lately I have been doing pretty good in not "forgetting" that she is no longer alive. Then last night I dreamt about her. Here is how the dream went.
I was walking towards her house, on one of my usual visits. On my way there I ran into a box of abandoned kittens. They all looked malformed and undernourished. They weren't the cutest things I have ever seen, but I felt a bond with them. I brought the box into my grandmothers house and told my grandma about them. Here's the thing, when I looked at my grandma, she didn't have a face and she didn't speak to me, but I saw her outline, which is so distinct to me. Maybe this is my fear of forgetting what she looks like. Almost as if I need a picture to recall her face, as I can't automatically do it one my own.
Anyway the dream continued with me being in a complete different room from her, watching the kittens. I was talking to her through the walls, but she wouldn't respond to anything to I said. I looked down at a white blanket that was laying on the couch and realized that there were a bunch of fleas laying on it that were brought in by the kittens. For some reason I thought that this was something I shouldn't tell my grandmother about. Like I was ashamed of what I brought into her house and I didn't want her to be angry at me.
It was at this point that I startled myself awake. The actual panic, fear of what my grandmother would think of me, woke me up. My first initial thought was, "Oh, I need to tell grandma about this one. I wonder what she will say about it." My second thought was, "Oh yeah."
I miss her.
I was walking towards her house, on one of my usual visits. On my way there I ran into a box of abandoned kittens. They all looked malformed and undernourished. They weren't the cutest things I have ever seen, but I felt a bond with them. I brought the box into my grandmothers house and told my grandma about them. Here's the thing, when I looked at my grandma, she didn't have a face and she didn't speak to me, but I saw her outline, which is so distinct to me. Maybe this is my fear of forgetting what she looks like. Almost as if I need a picture to recall her face, as I can't automatically do it one my own.
Anyway the dream continued with me being in a complete different room from her, watching the kittens. I was talking to her through the walls, but she wouldn't respond to anything to I said. I looked down at a white blanket that was laying on the couch and realized that there were a bunch of fleas laying on it that were brought in by the kittens. For some reason I thought that this was something I shouldn't tell my grandmother about. Like I was ashamed of what I brought into her house and I didn't want her to be angry at me.
It was at this point that I startled myself awake. The actual panic, fear of what my grandmother would think of me, woke me up. My first initial thought was, "Oh, I need to tell grandma about this one. I wonder what she will say about it." My second thought was, "Oh yeah."
I miss her.
Otters holding hands
This is possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen, but it gets so much cuter when there is about 20 seconds left.
I had a good weekend...
On Friday night I went to the Public Allies Artful Living Auction. I was a little hesistant to go at first. It would cost me $20 to mingle among a crowd that consisted of individuals who were not my number one fan. On the plus side, I would have an entire night of complementary beer and wine and my friends outnumbered my non-fans. Oh yeah, and there's that whole thing about giving money to a good cause, blah blah blah. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be, and I actually looked halfway decent. I would like to thank H&M for providing a skirt that provided shape.
After the auction we went to a bar. I had one whole beer and sat down the whole time, minus a few time I hit up the bathroom, where my friend Mario, while freshing up his makeup, informed me that I would be carrying his child sometime in the future. Afterwards my friends tried to convince me to travel to an entire new neighborhood to hang out. I said I would. I even followed them outside the bar, where I proceeded to hail my own cab and drive to my own apartment. Even the cab drive was awesome. I provided some counseling to the him about his girlfriend problems. There must be something about me, that makes people be so open and honest with me, even though they first met me.
There was even more good times on Saturday. I drove myself to Madison, to attend the Wunk Sheek annual spring pow wow. First I met up with my sister and her husband at the Nitty Gritty. They really wanted to eat there beforehand. They seem to miss Madison bar/late night food. You know what? So do I. (Tuesday Nights 2-for-1 deal and Pokey sticks? I don't know why we thought three girls could finish off 2 XL of those beasts).
The pow wow itself was great. I love pow wows. I love just closing my eyes and listening to the drums. I love looking at all the dancing and mentally drowning out the music. It is almost as if I looked and listened at the same time, I would be put on sensory overload or my heart would explode from the joy of it all. Ew, I just got corny there for a second. What is the best part of pow wows? Reunions.
There were so many people I met up with that I haven't seen in years. While we were talking and catching up with our lives (meeting children that were birthed or in my sisters situation saying hello to bumps that will eventually become children) we would always stop and remark at how grown up we have all become. Weird, I don't feel much like a grown up.
I stayed in Madison that night to go out for a couple of drinks with my friend Lina. She had her daughter about four monthes ago, so I was more than happy to hang out with her (and she was thrilled to get a night off). We each had two drinks, which means we partied it up hard, heh.
About 30 minutes before we left, I went to the bathroon and took a look in the mirror. I decided I was of the "looks like she hasn't taken a shower in a few days" variety of fug. When I came back, about 5 minutes later Lina and I had two guys approach us, asking us the normal, "So you two from around here," type stuff. Lina had mentioned something about graduating with a BA in history. One guy shot over quickly and spoke with her individually, as he was also in the history deparment. I had a hunch before hand (what with the early revelation in the bathroom) that I had the wingman (I know there is a name for the girl/guy that the wingman is stuck with but I forget). I learned that he did kung fu, and grew up in the hanging around in the neighborhood that I know live in, he hoped someday to visit Haiwaii.
A short while later it was bar close, we said our goodbyes. Kung Fu guy said that he hoped to see me around sometime. Yeah, I will totally randomly run into you the next time I randomly visit Madison. I'll put in my calender. Stupidhead. As we were walking to the car, Lina said something about how she was the one talking with the wingman. My response was, "Are you kidding me? I had the wingman." Friends always think alike.
After the auction we went to a bar. I had one whole beer and sat down the whole time, minus a few time I hit up the bathroom, where my friend Mario, while freshing up his makeup, informed me that I would be carrying his child sometime in the future. Afterwards my friends tried to convince me to travel to an entire new neighborhood to hang out. I said I would. I even followed them outside the bar, where I proceeded to hail my own cab and drive to my own apartment. Even the cab drive was awesome. I provided some counseling to the him about his girlfriend problems. There must be something about me, that makes people be so open and honest with me, even though they first met me.
There was even more good times on Saturday. I drove myself to Madison, to attend the Wunk Sheek annual spring pow wow. First I met up with my sister and her husband at the Nitty Gritty. They really wanted to eat there beforehand. They seem to miss Madison bar/late night food. You know what? So do I. (Tuesday Nights 2-for-1 deal and Pokey sticks? I don't know why we thought three girls could finish off 2 XL of those beasts).
The pow wow itself was great. I love pow wows. I love just closing my eyes and listening to the drums. I love looking at all the dancing and mentally drowning out the music. It is almost as if I looked and listened at the same time, I would be put on sensory overload or my heart would explode from the joy of it all. Ew, I just got corny there for a second. What is the best part of pow wows? Reunions.
There were so many people I met up with that I haven't seen in years. While we were talking and catching up with our lives (meeting children that were birthed or in my sisters situation saying hello to bumps that will eventually become children) we would always stop and remark at how grown up we have all become. Weird, I don't feel much like a grown up.
I stayed in Madison that night to go out for a couple of drinks with my friend Lina. She had her daughter about four monthes ago, so I was more than happy to hang out with her (and she was thrilled to get a night off). We each had two drinks, which means we partied it up hard, heh.
About 30 minutes before we left, I went to the bathroon and took a look in the mirror. I decided I was of the "looks like she hasn't taken a shower in a few days" variety of fug. When I came back, about 5 minutes later Lina and I had two guys approach us, asking us the normal, "So you two from around here," type stuff. Lina had mentioned something about graduating with a BA in history. One guy shot over quickly and spoke with her individually, as he was also in the history deparment. I had a hunch before hand (what with the early revelation in the bathroom) that I had the wingman (I know there is a name for the girl/guy that the wingman is stuck with but I forget). I learned that he did kung fu, and grew up in the hanging around in the neighborhood that I know live in, he hoped someday to visit Haiwaii.
A short while later it was bar close, we said our goodbyes. Kung Fu guy said that he hoped to see me around sometime. Yeah, I will totally randomly run into you the next time I randomly visit Madison. I'll put in my calender. Stupidhead. As we were walking to the car, Lina said something about how she was the one talking with the wingman. My response was, "Are you kidding me? I had the wingman." Friends always think alike.
Famous People I kind of look like
My cool celebrity look-alike collage from Get one for yourself.

That is the second time I was told by that site I looked like Lucille Ball.

That is the second time I was told by that site I looked like Lucille Ball.
Negative Kudos: A glimpse into the near future?
When the news first broke that John Edwards and his wife were going to have a news conference concerning her health, I think many people knew what was to come. Her cancer had returned, but would this affect his campaign for presidency in 2008. As it turns out, it is not. He is still planning on running.
This story makes me sad for two reasons: First, because it is sad to hear that anyone is sick, especially if they are going through their second bout of cancer (this time an 'incurable' case). Second, I am just imaging what the O'Reiley's of the world will say. "Don't let Edwards use this as a way to gain not only your sympathy, but your vote as well." Because assholes do tend to say this type of crap. So, I am giving my negative kudos to the people I know will "Go There."
I am not naive. I know that people, especially politians, have a way of using media and publicity to sway the opinion of the people. But this seems to tragically genunie. I wish the best for the Edwards family. Cancer sucks.
This story makes me sad for two reasons: First, because it is sad to hear that anyone is sick, especially if they are going through their second bout of cancer (this time an 'incurable' case). Second, I am just imaging what the O'Reiley's of the world will say. "Don't let Edwards use this as a way to gain not only your sympathy, but your vote as well." Because assholes do tend to say this type of crap. So, I am giving my negative kudos to the people I know will "Go There."
I am not naive. I know that people, especially politians, have a way of using media and publicity to sway the opinion of the people. But this seems to tragically genunie. I wish the best for the Edwards family. Cancer sucks.
4 years plus one day
I try not to put up posts that are political, because in reality I don't think I have anything different or intelligent to say on the subject. Mostly, these types of subjects mean I have to be serious, which I hate to do. However, I would like to say something that I don't really think is political, but is human. I hope this ends soon. I don't have any loved ones overseas, but I do know people that live in fear that their loved ones might get deployed sometime soon, and I feel for them. I also feel for the Iraqis that live in fear everyday.
The main thing that moved me to say something was something that I saw this morning on Good Morning America. They showed an update on a story they did a year ago about a ballet class in Iraq. Now, they dance without music, because their piano accompanist fled the country in fear, and yet they keep on going. I don't follow this type of art form, but watching those children dance in complete silence had me in tears.
When the interviewer asked the young teens how many of them have seen dead bodies, all of them raised their hands. One girl nervously giggled that she saw someone getting beheaded. What world do we have to live in that people must build a defense mechanism to "laugh off" such horrendous acts happening around them.
How am I suppose to feel living in a place where I don't deal with that type of environment: grateful? guilty? can you feel both at the same time?
So 4 years and one day later, lets all hope that this ends soon, and it does so peacefully.
The main thing that moved me to say something was something that I saw this morning on Good Morning America. They showed an update on a story they did a year ago about a ballet class in Iraq. Now, they dance without music, because their piano accompanist fled the country in fear, and yet they keep on going. I don't follow this type of art form, but watching those children dance in complete silence had me in tears.
When the interviewer asked the young teens how many of them have seen dead bodies, all of them raised their hands. One girl nervously giggled that she saw someone getting beheaded. What world do we have to live in that people must build a defense mechanism to "laugh off" such horrendous acts happening around them.
How am I suppose to feel living in a place where I don't deal with that type of environment: grateful? guilty? can you feel both at the same time?
So 4 years and one day later, lets all hope that this ends soon, and it does so peacefully.
Creepy Stalkers
I've never had my own stalker, and am kind of grateful for that. I don't think I could be anyone's stalker (and haven't been one up to this point in my life). However, looking at these two websites make me feel like a stalker to people I don't even know:
Found Magazine - I linked to one entry I found particularly amusing. I also hope that when I find the love of my life, they won't get on my nerves.
PostSecret - Sometimes, and this is embarrassing to admit, there are entries that make me teary eyed. Watch out for that one because sometimes they have stuff not safe for work.
Found Magazine - I linked to one entry I found particularly amusing. I also hope that when I find the love of my life, they won't get on my nerves.
PostSecret - Sometimes, and this is embarrassing to admit, there are entries that make me teary eyed. Watch out for that one because sometimes they have stuff not safe for work.
You know what I miss???
I miss the days of Jock Jams. The days of making up dance routines to songs like, BelBivDevoe (or whatever they are called)'s Poison. The days of dancing up a storm in my friend's kitchen to K7's Come Baby Come and doing the Toostie Roll at middle school dances. Those songs remind me of a more innocent time. A time where I was so super excited about having "cool" friends. You know, the friends that would go to the park so they could smoke behind the park shed while I watched (or in some situations played look out) because I was too much of a good girl in participating.
If anything, these songs most remind me of a friend, who I no longer talk to, named Josh. I knew him as a younger child. His cousins used to live in the flat above mine, and my family and his family didn't get along. It wasn't until I met him again about 5 years later, both of us in our early teens, that we became friends. He was one of those "cool" people that stayed out waaaaay past the city curfew and he smoked and drank. Outwardly he had a very tough exterior, but when he was with me he was much more sensitive.
Mostly, when we were together, we talked about his undying love for my sister. I tried to support him, never really telling him that my sister was aware, and not interested, in his affections (Oddly enough, last news I did hear about him was that he was living in another city...with his boyfriend, go figure). After awhile, we just naturally drifted apart, but whenever they play those old Jock Jams-type songs on the radio, I think of our good times together.
If anything, these songs most remind me of a friend, who I no longer talk to, named Josh. I knew him as a younger child. His cousins used to live in the flat above mine, and my family and his family didn't get along. It wasn't until I met him again about 5 years later, both of us in our early teens, that we became friends. He was one of those "cool" people that stayed out waaaaay past the city curfew and he smoked and drank. Outwardly he had a very tough exterior, but when he was with me he was much more sensitive.
Mostly, when we were together, we talked about his undying love for my sister. I tried to support him, never really telling him that my sister was aware, and not interested, in his affections (Oddly enough, last news I did hear about him was that he was living in another city...with his boyfriend, go figure). After awhile, we just naturally drifted apart, but whenever they play those old Jock Jams-type songs on the radio, I think of our good times together.
3/16/2007 you like...stuff?
Today I went to a Teen Services Workshop. It was 99% about teen pregnancy. It kind of made me depressed. I don't know what I was expecting going into the workshop. Maybe some after school programs that were available, or college prep courses, or anything really. How could I, cousin to a 16 year old girl who is pregnant with baby #2, not know the reality of today's situation. Fooey to kids today for not knowing/caring about safe sex. If I every have kids (that is a strong IF) I am encasing their entire bodies in latex, or lamb's skin if they are allergic to latex. OK, maybe I won't really do that but I will make sure that get proper sex education (along with knowing the physical, mental and emotial ramifications). Screw abstinence only education.
Today I heard the phrase, "He made the entire office smell like Olde English," come out of my supervisor's mouth and it made me smile for the rest of the afternoon. Nothing like mentioning a 40 oz to amuse me so. I think a lot of my friends who think I am a lush will be surprised to know that I never drank from a 40 oz before. See, I am a good girl.
I also feel the need to share this, since I love blogs about cute animals and wacky tags/commentary.
Today I heard the phrase, "He made the entire office smell like Olde English," come out of my supervisor's mouth and it made me smile for the rest of the afternoon. Nothing like mentioning a 40 oz to amuse me so. I think a lot of my friends who think I am a lush will be surprised to know that I never drank from a 40 oz before. See, I am a good girl.
I also feel the need to share this, since I love blogs about cute animals and wacky tags/commentary.
Negative Kudos: Credit Card Companies
Dear American Express and Citibank,
I AM NOT A BOY. So please stop addressing mail to me as Mr. Holland MyLastName. Don't even make me buy one of these in an adult size. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Hugs and Kisses,
Holland, the woman.
I AM NOT A BOY. So please stop addressing mail to me as Mr. Holland MyLastName. Don't even make me buy one of these in an adult size. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Hugs and Kisses,
Holland, the woman.
I watch too much TV
Television sometimes makes me so angry. I wish I was one of those people that could say, "I don't watch TV. It is for the uncreative and lazy," or some other kind of pompous ass thing to say. However, television was sunk it's firm grasp into me at a young age, ever since those Sesame Street/Mr. Rogers Neighborhood/Zoobilee Zoo days. But what exactly about TV gets me so angry? I am angry at television programs for allowing me to be angry and disappointed with it. I should not be allowed to have any emotion when it comes to this subject matter. Instead I should be allowed to mindless drone in front of it without having to invest myself into it too much.
I guess what I am most upset about with TV is how unrealistic it can be. Maybe this is why I like shows like Heroes. It doesn't even try to portray "real" life (oh no, did I just kill the hopes of all people out there that hope they can someday possesses superhuman powers?). In the world of television, the average woman is 5'7", 100 lbs, and gets sex regularly with a different man each time. I don't know what kind of reality that is, but it is not a reality I live in. I live in a reality where woman are a variety of heights, and weights (even the skinny ones may have a little cushioning in the mid-section) and can go ***GASP*** months and even more without sex (of any kind with any gender). But instead on television, I am told that this is the standard of beauty:

Don't get me wrong. I am kind of hippie at heart, that believes everybody possesses some kind of beauty, but this just makes me think, "Is it human? Is it... ***pokes with toe*** ...alive?" Or maybe its just my disdain for her character on Grey's Anatomy (how is one, that hasn't been breathing on their own for an hour, still alive and not brain dead?), which gets me to my next thing I hate about TV: title characters.
They always suck the life out of a show. Grey's Anatomy, Ally McBeal, What about Brian (oh god, I can't believe I admitted to even watching one episode of that), and much more. The title character is always the least interesting person on the show but you know they won't get killed off, because what will the show be called then? I would like to know a show that had a title character that didn't suck (and don't tell me Buffy or Gilmore Girls because those shows just sucked in general and yes I am being immature and uncreative by reusing the word "suck" but can you blame me, I am a TV viewer).
I will say there is one exception to the rule, Ugly Betty. I like the title character, but I wouldn't say she is my favorite character on the show. So perhaps it isn't an entire exception to the rule.
I guess what I am most upset about with TV is how unrealistic it can be. Maybe this is why I like shows like Heroes. It doesn't even try to portray "real" life (oh no, did I just kill the hopes of all people out there that hope they can someday possesses superhuman powers?). In the world of television, the average woman is 5'7", 100 lbs, and gets sex regularly with a different man each time. I don't know what kind of reality that is, but it is not a reality I live in. I live in a reality where woman are a variety of heights, and weights (even the skinny ones may have a little cushioning in the mid-section) and can go ***GASP*** months and even more without sex (of any kind with any gender). But instead on television, I am told that this is the standard of beauty:
Don't get me wrong. I am kind of hippie at heart, that believes everybody possesses some kind of beauty, but this just makes me think, "Is it human? Is it... ***pokes with toe*** ...alive?" Or maybe its just my disdain for her character on Grey's Anatomy (how is one, that hasn't been breathing on their own for an hour, still alive and not brain dead?), which gets me to my next thing I hate about TV: title characters.
They always suck the life out of a show. Grey's Anatomy, Ally McBeal, What about Brian (oh god, I can't believe I admitted to even watching one episode of that), and much more. The title character is always the least interesting person on the show but you know they won't get killed off, because what will the show be called then? I would like to know a show that had a title character that didn't suck (and don't tell me Buffy or Gilmore Girls because those shows just sucked in general and yes I am being immature and uncreative by reusing the word "suck" but can you blame me, I am a TV viewer).
I will say there is one exception to the rule, Ugly Betty. I like the title character, but I wouldn't say she is my favorite character on the show. So perhaps it isn't an entire exception to the rule.
Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players - Eggs
I tried posting this before, but lets try it again.
Here's the rundown. They are a family that would go to estate sales, collect slideshows and decided to write songs about them. Dad keyboards and guitars, daughter drums, mom slideshow projects. I think everyone sings. They are political at times. Almost always awesome.
My family: a constant source of embarassment...for other people
Last night, I went back to my hometown to have dinner with my family to celebrate my dad's birthday. We chose to go to this nice-ish place that seems to be a family restaurant, with a nice fireplace in a small village. It seems like one of those places you go to after church. My family decides that this is a place to loudly discuss sex shops. Particularly, what was the difference between your standard adult porn shop and your standard woman's pleasure shop and how one is gross, creepy and old man filled and the other is more hippie filled, not so gross but a little awkward.
After our mother got over the initial shock that her children went to such places, both her and my father participated in said discussion. No one in my family hesitated or was embarrassed, but their were some red faces, particularly in my brother-in-law and my brother's girlfriend. Perhaps it was because the table next to us just so happened to leave right when the discussion started (or was it when I was discussing nipple clamps???). I just now realized I might be getting some weird website visitors with a few simple search terms.
Some other random stuff I learned about my mom this weekend, that I didn't know before:
-when my mom was younger she used to call into the local radio station and dedicated songs to boys she liked in school (she was totally THAT girl)
-she (like me) thinks that it is not right to steal from the plastic candy/nut bins at the grocery stores or for that matter steal a grape from the produce department
-when my sister was about 1, my mom and dad took her to see Elvis Costello play at Summerfest (a Milwaukee music festival)...isn't that kind of awesome?
After our mother got over the initial shock that her children went to such places, both her and my father participated in said discussion. No one in my family hesitated or was embarrassed, but their were some red faces, particularly in my brother-in-law and my brother's girlfriend. Perhaps it was because the table next to us just so happened to leave right when the discussion started (or was it when I was discussing nipple clamps???). I just now realized I might be getting some weird website visitors with a few simple search terms.
Some other random stuff I learned about my mom this weekend, that I didn't know before:
-when my mom was younger she used to call into the local radio station and dedicated songs to boys she liked in school (she was totally THAT girl)
-she (like me) thinks that it is not right to steal from the plastic candy/nut bins at the grocery stores or for that matter steal a grape from the produce department
-when my sister was about 1, my mom and dad took her to see Elvis Costello play at Summerfest (a Milwaukee music festival)...isn't that kind of awesome?
And now back to your regularly scheduled Negative Kudos: Jackass Impersonators
So I missed last week, due to a) sleeping in from my late flight from San Antonio and b) forgeting what day it was because I was too busy that night dancing with my cousin's one year old daughter. Who knew that spinning around while holding a kid and listening to Spoon's "The Way We Get By" could cause that same kid to go into what can be only described as violent giggles.
Well here is my Negative Kudos for this week. Stupid people that mimic stupid movies like Jackass, and this time its not even teenagers.
A 43 year old man (yep, 43, I didn't accidently hit the 4 and mean to hit the 1) sprayed lighter fluid on a 20 year old willing participant's hands and gentals and then lit it. The 20 year old is now dealing with second degree burns. Not a surpise that alcohol was involved. This same stunt was shown on the Jackass movie.
Why one would even think to do those stunts is beyond me. At least the idiots making the movie are getting paid for it.
Well here is my Negative Kudos for this week. Stupid people that mimic stupid movies like Jackass, and this time its not even teenagers.
A 43 year old man (yep, 43, I didn't accidently hit the 4 and mean to hit the 1) sprayed lighter fluid on a 20 year old willing participant's hands and gentals and then lit it. The 20 year old is now dealing with second degree burns. Not a surpise that alcohol was involved. This same stunt was shown on the Jackass movie.
Why one would even think to do those stunts is beyond me. At least the idiots making the movie are getting paid for it.
Adventures of the girl who knows jackshit
So I forgot to write about my conference experience last week in San Antonio. Here it goes. It will probably be disjointed because I am writing as the memories are coming to me.
I left two Sundays ago. I was lucky enough to be lifting off between the second and third waves of snow storms that Wisconsin (and most of theMidwest ) was experiencing. I really hate flying, but this wasn't that bad. Which was surprising because the weather would have made the ride bumpy, but it turned out to be fine (cannot be said for the ride home...more of that later).
Texas, itself, is not too pretty (Sorry Texans, I like the greenery of Wisconsin, when its not winter, and Texas is kind of sort of brown). However the weather was pleasant. It was in the high 70's the whole time, with a nice cool gentle breeze.
I felt totally out of place while at the conference. Service coordinators made up less than 10% of the people. Of the SCs, two were men, six were people of color, and only one other girl besides me was under the age of 30'sish. Most of them were old enough to have grandkids, as I could tell from their conversations.
There was one woman who looked like the oldest she could be was mid-30's. Then she started talking about herself, and her kids. She said her oldest was 29. I said, " old is your oldest? 29?!?" In reality I was thinking, "Who in the huh in the what now???"Puerto Rico (where she is from) must have magic water.
The first training we had was called "How to help you, help others." When I first read that, I rolled my eyes. But as it turned out the training was actually interesting, and even inspiring. Just enough to get me out of my work funk....oh wait...just lost it. Never mind. (I should also not here she used the term "trust the process" which nearly made me go into compulsions from past experiences with that term. She also told us that in order to successfully work with and for people one cannot be sarcastic. Damn, there goes my whole strategy).
I want to quickly note that while in Texas, I thought every other man was in the military, but as it turns out there was a military-type conference going on. I'm very good at noting my surroundings.
Overall the conference made me feel really inferior because apparently I don't know proper procedure and standards. I basially had a meltdown when confronted about my inconsistencies in documentation and contacts. Luckily all the other SCs were very sympathetic and willing to help me out to get on the proper track. (However as it turns out, I found out that I am doing fine and what I do is vastly different than the otherSCs due to the population I work for. No meltdown was needed).
I only really left the hotel and went downtown one night. All the other nights I was attending receptions, too exhausted or puffy-faced from the crying meltdown (sometimes I can be really really emotional). That night I went out was a night a large group of us went out (a bus was provided). We had dinner at some Mexican restaurant where a Mariachi band played right next to us. Outside they had a concert going on, Taking Back Sunday was playing.
After dinner we went to the River Walk area. TO get there you walk down the stairs from the downtown streets, and it feels like you walk into a different area. It was beautiful (not that San Antonio itself is, but River Walk is gorgeous). They had lights dangling from the branches of trees. The shops/restaurants/hotels and sidewalks were literally right next to the river. It was more narrow than I expected. Tour boats (some were even dinner boats) were constantly going up and down the river. I liked the crowd also. Over great ambiance...ick I sound like a brochure. The Alamo was...surprisingly disappointing but then again, I don't know what I was expecting.
The flight home went to fine, to slightly scary. We had a layover in Minneapolis. Up until then flight...fine. Then from there to Milwaukee...scary and annoying. We were flying with a storm, turbulence the whole way back, lots of rocking making me nauseous and the girl barfing next to me didn't help. Oh and that kid crying THE WHOLE TIME didn't help either.
Winter in Wisconsin. I LOVE IT.
I left two Sundays ago. I was lucky enough to be lifting off between the second and third waves of snow storms that Wisconsin (and most of theMidwest ) was experiencing. I really hate flying, but this wasn't that bad. Which was surprising because the weather would have made the ride bumpy, but it turned out to be fine (cannot be said for the ride home...more of that later).
Texas, itself, is not too pretty (Sorry Texans, I like the greenery of Wisconsin, when its not winter, and Texas is kind of sort of brown). However the weather was pleasant. It was in the high 70's the whole time, with a nice cool gentle breeze.
I felt totally out of place while at the conference. Service coordinators made up less than 10% of the people. Of the SCs, two were men, six were people of color, and only one other girl besides me was under the age of 30'sish. Most of them were old enough to have grandkids, as I could tell from their conversations.
There was one woman who looked like the oldest she could be was mid-30's. Then she started talking about herself, and her kids. She said her oldest was 29. I said, " old is your oldest? 29?!?" In reality I was thinking, "Who in the huh in the what now???"Puerto Rico (where she is from) must have magic water.
The first training we had was called "How to help you, help others." When I first read that, I rolled my eyes. But as it turned out the training was actually interesting, and even inspiring. Just enough to get me out of my work funk....oh wait...just lost it. Never mind. (I should also not here she used the term "trust the process" which nearly made me go into compulsions from past experiences with that term. She also told us that in order to successfully work with and for people one cannot be sarcastic. Damn, there goes my whole strategy).
I want to quickly note that while in Texas, I thought every other man was in the military, but as it turns out there was a military-type conference going on. I'm very good at noting my surroundings.
Overall the conference made me feel really inferior because apparently I don't know proper procedure and standards. I basially had a meltdown when confronted about my inconsistencies in documentation and contacts. Luckily all the other SCs were very sympathetic and willing to help me out to get on the proper track. (However as it turns out, I found out that I am doing fine and what I do is vastly different than the otherSCs due to the population I work for. No meltdown was needed).
I only really left the hotel and went downtown one night. All the other nights I was attending receptions, too exhausted or puffy-faced from the crying meltdown (sometimes I can be really really emotional). That night I went out was a night a large group of us went out (a bus was provided). We had dinner at some Mexican restaurant where a Mariachi band played right next to us. Outside they had a concert going on, Taking Back Sunday was playing.
After dinner we went to the River Walk area. TO get there you walk down the stairs from the downtown streets, and it feels like you walk into a different area. It was beautiful (not that San Antonio itself is, but River Walk is gorgeous). They had lights dangling from the branches of trees. The shops/restaurants/hotels and sidewalks were literally right next to the river. It was more narrow than I expected. Tour boats (some were even dinner boats) were constantly going up and down the river. I liked the crowd also. Over great ambiance...ick I sound like a brochure. The Alamo was...surprisingly disappointing but then again, I don't know what I was expecting.
The flight home went to fine, to slightly scary. We had a layover in Minneapolis. Up until then flight...fine. Then from there to Milwaukee...scary and annoying. We were flying with a storm, turbulence the whole way back, lots of rocking making me nauseous and the girl barfing next to me didn't help. Oh and that kid crying THE WHOLE TIME didn't help either.
Winter in Wisconsin. I LOVE IT.
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