
Flipping someone off is not quite effective when wearing a mitten

Two things that are getting to me today:

1) My morning commute is starting to get to me. People cutting me off on the highway, when there is no room to cut me off, drives me up the wall! Usually, or so the rules of the road say, the far left lane is designated the "fast/pass" lane. Why do people insist on going 5 mph below the speed limit in this lane? In good weather? In daylight? Meanwhile people in the other lane are going the same speed or every so slightly more/less than that stupid car going 5 mph below the speed limit. There is nothing left for me to do but to stay behind the "fastest" car and make the "you're killing me" hand gestures.

2) I can't believe I am about to complain about this, because I am from Wisconsin and I should not be so much of a sissy wuss, but....IT'S COLD! In the morning, I wake up usually 30 minutes before my alarm clock goes off because I am cold. And then I hurry off to take a hot shower proceeded by a hurried attempt to get dressed and dry my hair. Seriously, my apartment does not know how to be warm, not even lukewarm.

Although, it is not so cold that I NEED to wear hats, scarves and mittens I wear my mittens while driving because the steering wheel is cold and it takes forever for my car to warm up.

On a side note...Why am I still wearing "mittens"? I should be wearing some chic gloves and be the sleek city girl that I am, what with....Oh, who am I kidding.

After work, as soon as I get into my apartment, I grab my fleece blanket and wrap myself with it and continue to wear it while I do my chores or watch TV. When its time for bed, I prepare my sheet, fleece, comforter (and sometimes extra comforter) cocoon that keeps me nice and toasty until I wake up 30 minutes before my alarm clock goes off because I am so dang cold (I should also note here, that when I wake up I also notice that I usually have kicked off two layers of my cocoon sometime in the night, so that might explain my being cold).

What makes me upset, is that I know it is only going to get worse, WAY WORSE.

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