
Turkey Day

The stuff that happened that always happens:

I always go back to my parent's place for Thanksgiving. So, this means that I am sleeping in my old bedroom (duh) which is right next to the kitchen and the morning of Thanksgiving I am awaken earlier then I want to because I hear my dad rattling around as he prepares the feast.

I get up and go to the living room where I usually join my mom and watch the Macy's Day parade. After this everyone gets showered/dressed and waits for whoever is joining us for the day. We eat and drink.

The people that need to, take a nap (trytophan!) and/or watch football. The rest of the night is conversation, dessert and more drinking.

Other stuff that happened this year that doesn't always happen:

My brother just recent bought Nintendo Wii (weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!). So almost everyone in the house was surrounding the television either participating or watching people play. I usually hate all video games, but this crap was actually fun. I think I like the fact that the controllers don't have a bazillion buttons and now you get an actual result when you move your controller around.

While poking around at my sister's stomach, I noted how it is actually getting pretty firm (she is 15 weeks). She isn't noticeably showing quite yet but you can definitely feel the difference in her belly.

Went to bed early because I had to work today (suckage).

Overall pretty uneventful T-Day.

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