
Kids do stupid things

This is a short bizarre story about my uncle (mom's brother). I have heard this story many times, but it still fails to not amuse me.

My mom and her family were driving up to the Menominee Reservation to visit family. This was, I am assuming based off the age range of my child-age uncle, sometime in the early 70's. They were all in a car driving on some little road (I forget if it was a dirt/gravel path or an actual road because sometimes I add untrue things into stories). Anyway, they were going at a not-too-fast speed, when out of the blue my uncle says, "Mannix!!!," and jumps out of the car, rolling on the ground.

Of course, the car was stopped and my uncle was fine. No need to take him to the hospital.

Mannix, was a television show about an Armenian American detective. In the opening sequence, Mannix is seen (?)rolling out of his car (think it is the scene depicted in the "M" box)(?)

Kids, don't copy what you see on TV, especially Heroes.

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