
Tiny Baby Canopies

Sometimes, I question how I made it through college. Here is a good story:

While visiting my hometown of Sheboygan one weekend, I accompanied my mother to Target, to shop for my little cousins' birthday presents. So there we were walking down one of the sporting good aisle looking for a tiny golf set, or something equally cool and tiny, when I noticed something that looked like a tiny canopy made for a baby on the top shelves.

I pointed at it and asked my mother, "What the hell can fit under there?" My mom looked at me like I lost my mind and didn't answer me. A few minutes later, I asked again. "I don't know. Like a (lists off things that would not fit under a tiny canopy made for a baby)," says my mom. I give her a look like she is crazy. Me, being really angry about it, "No...Seriously! What can that cover? It's...oh."

This is when I realize that it is just a tent model. I noticed the other "tiny baby canopies" with boxes of normal sized tents under them. My mom noted my Eureka! face and started laughing at me while my face turned ten shades of red knowing that people heard our entire conversation. To make light of the situation, as we walked past a tiny sleeping bag model, I said to my mom, "Seriously, WHAT person can fit in that sleeping bag?"

Ummmm....I....was...really tired??? Ok, I have no excuses.

This story is an example of my superior intelligence, and why I am allowed to talk about politics.

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