
Visit These Websites!

www.wordorigins.org - While having a discussion with friends, the phrase "Indian Giver" came up. There was some confusion on why the statement was offensive and who it was referring to in particular. Myself, I never really understand the phrase either (Hey, I never said I was smart). So, I did what I always do: I googled it. By typing in the phrase "Indian Giver Origin" the first search result leads you to this site. Once I got my explanation of where the phrase came from (if your wondering...look it up yourself) I kept on perusing the site. I find etymology really fascinating. I know, I am a nerd. But I also like this site because it goes into folklore, false rumors and admits when it doesn't know.

My Cat Hates You - Funny site that shows the true evil side that lurks in all kitties. Here is what the site states in its "About" section:

"But there is another side to Cat, is there not? A side that harbors deep-seated, almost primal, resentment toward us and our gangly, pseudo-intelligent, simian ways. And what creature wouldn't? If someone treated YOU the way we treat THEM, you would hate too. The premise behind this site is just that; your cat, though soft, cuddly and sweet, could really do without the likes of you, and me."

I find this site funny for two reasons:

1. 75% of my cat-owning friends love to talk about how badass their cats are and/or how their cats hate everything.
2. I too hate people, so I can relate to the statements included with each hateful photo.

Here is an example and here is another good one.

---Do sudoku online! I have been wasting a lot of time online doing this.

--Has anyone seen the promotions for the new show on NBC called Heroes? I went to the official site and watched the trailers and read a little bit about the storyline, and it seems interesting. I think it is a show I could really get into but not tell anyone because I would be too embarrassed to admit that I like it.

Plus it has that little girl from Remember the Titans, who I thought was soooooooo adorable. I am surprised to see that she turned into a pretty teenager. She is at the age where formerly cute child stars turn into awkward to ugly looking washed-out has-beens. Oh, I am pretty sure that she is hiding more than one addiction as happens to almost all child stars, (Stephanie Tanner anyone?) but at least she is working and doesn't looked cracked/methed out.

Ok, I got nothing else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


YOU, a former Wunk Sheek member, et al, do not know where the term "Indian Giver" came from? That, I find unbelievable! Unless I misunderstood what you were writing about.

