
Night of the 14th: Being really really ridiculously good looking: new friends you meet at bars

Last Friday night, I met up with my friend (same one from Seether night) to have a few drinks while she filled me in about all the happenings in her life that one week. My friends convince me to not drive home that night, and take a cab with them, so I can drink my to my heart's desire. I don't need much convincing (I know that 90% of my posting are/seem alcohol related, but I am not an alcoholic).

The Budweiser guys came around three time to hand out free beer to our table. While in the bathroom one of our fellow drinkers ran into a hair stylist and invited (?) her to come to our table. This stylist's friend was hilarious, but not in the intentional way. She was talking to Danielle and myself about how she and her friends have a hard time making friends with other girls, because they are so good looking. I stare blankly at her, thinking, "ok, I don't really believe that second part, but even so, so what?" I think she thinks girls are catty towards attractive girls, which they are sometimes, but she wasn't that pretty. I would say she falls in the category of butterfaces. Then she went on to say that she even has girls come up to her and tell her how gorgeous she is. When the girl is distracted by Budweiser guy I look over at my friend with a "is this girl serious?" look. Then the girl decides to leave with her friends, and asked us to come with. Surprisingly, we didn't jump at that chance.

We taxi-ed our way to the next bar. Nothing to exciting except when I got asked by some dude if he could buy me a drink. I wasn't aware of the way I said no, but apparently it was funny. A guy my friend met up with watched it, and said it looked like I laughed rolled my eyes and shooed that boy away. I'm guessing it looked like I out-dissed him in a "I'm too good for you way." When in reality I was laughing at the guy and said no, because he LITERALLY could not buy me a drink, they made last call 15 minutes prior. Please! Because it happens so rarely we all know I would take a free drink from anyone (as long as I was at the bar with them so they couldn't roofie it) as long as I can find an out (ex. Oh, I need to go find my friend! She's really drunk!) from the conversation that follows. I'm a cold hearted snake.

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