
Entire day of the 15th: So this is what hell feels like

Last Saturday my sister and her boy came up to visit me. I sat in my nice air conditioned apartment knowing it was sweltering outside, but still thought it was a great idea to go to Bastille Days, which is basically French fest in Milwaukee. Man, was that a bad idea. I seem to have forgot that my sister is allergic to sweat/heat/the sudden change from cool to hot. Her face was bright red and she kept on complaining. Luckily for her I found the fest to be boring so I didn't mind up leaving after an hour. The heat doesn't bother me too much. It is bothersome, but I know I won't die as long as I hydrate and not move that much.

We spent the next few hours at my apartment watching Love Actually (and I did a little sudoku). But then we became hungry. So I suggested the place with really good grilled cheese. Only, we found out once we got there that we had to sit outside because there was some kind of party going on (looked like a rather well-off family because they took up 3/4 of the bar, which is set nicely on the riverside). So we were sweating eating our dinner. The others may have not liked it, but I got my fancy grilled cheese so I didn't care.

Later on in the night, we went to go to my friend's CD release party/show. If you think you'd like bluegrass with a little amphetamine twist, take a look their website. The bar was air conditioned, but you would not have noticed. That bar area made the outside feel cool. We toughed it out as long as we could (two opening bands and 5ish songs of my friends band) before my sister wanted to leave. I heard that we missed my friend strip down naked later in the show. So thankful I missed that one.

I think my sister's boy was scared of the bar. So many scary tattooed smoking people. Heh.

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