
You know who else is weird...Brad Pitt.

Hot, but weird. I always thought it was weird that his look changed with each new woman he was with, and then I found a site that shows pictures of his transformation. Boy seems to have issues. I will post the pictures on my blog when I get home, but for now I will just post the link:

With Juliette Lewis (young, "hip", and grungy)

With Gwenyth Paltrow (mod, preppie)

With Jennifer Aniston (just plain Hollywood and metrosexual)

With Angelina Jolie (goth and badass humanitarian).

But I most admit, I do like the name Shiloh for a girl. Unique without being Hollywood weird (Audio Science anyone?). But who am I to talk, I have the name of a country (not even the official name), and I saw a website that said it is a bad name. (scroll down to the third boxed off section: about a family with kids named Scotland, Britannica and Holland. I think Holland is the lesser of the three evils).

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