
Those Darn Geese

Where I work, we have this big ass pond, which is the home for many dumb Geese. I rarely see/interact with them because I am cooped up in my office all day. Today was different.

So, I will admit it, sometimes I am not a completely observant driver. However, I have yet to get myself into an accident (knock on imaginary wood). This morning I was making a mental list of things to do at work today, while not entirely paying attention to the road in front of me. Usually I keep my eyes on the car in front of me, but not the actual street, but whatever.

Then, about a half a block up I saw a goose and some of her babies starting to meander into the busy street. I started to slowly push on my brakes thinking that the geese would back up right away, but they aren't too bright, and continued on their merry way. When I realized that they weren't stopping or backing up, and that the road was much more slick from the morning rain than I first anticipated, I slammed on my brakes all the way.

Luckily for me, there was no cars behind me, and I didn't run over any geese! The mother goose, finally turned around when I was about a foot in front of it and at a complete stop. She kind of looked at my car in a lazy, "Hey, what's up?" fashion and retracted back to the sidewalk. Luckily for that goose, it didn't continue in the direction it was going, in front of traffic coming from my left shoulder, because there would be some dead baby geese lying in the road right this moment.

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