
Tires? Not a good conversation starter or a way to pick up the ladies...

For once my antisocial friend, CM, wanted to go out. And for what is worth, to go out and have a few drinks!!! This is a big step for her. She may just become social after all.

We went out to the bar around the corner of my apartment. It is a real hole-in-the-wall, so not much of a "hot" spot but I like the bartenders and the regulars. Since it is the end of the school year, the obnoxious Marquette kids are not coming out in droves.

So there we are drinking our High Lifes, talking to each other about something not important and obviously forgettable since I can't remember what it was. All of a sudden this guy who is sitting next to CM says something witty about the tire commercial on the TV. CM does the number one No-No: She responds.

This leads to her engaging in a pretty lengthy conversation about tires. The different brands and their quality, how to rotate (and why we do), and I am pretty sure I over heard the guy talking about some studies he read about tires. How exciting! What was funny about the entire conversation was that this guy kept on stroking CM's arm. Knowing CM and how much she LOVES to be touched, I found this hilarious. I even excused myself to the bathroom, to give them some privacy. CM always has a good time with me (reference the time she had a lengthy conversation with the guitar teacher about animals at the party I forced her to come to).

They guy wasn't exactly her type, at least I don't think so. Oh well, at least she learned something about tires. Goodyear=good, Michelin=bad.

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