
Weekend wrap-up...Good Times!


Left Friday training and headed straight for my apartment. Whoops, forgot that the front door lock had been changed. I got the new keys the day before, and there were signs everywhere reminding tenants that the locks would be changed on Friday. I am just a dumbass and forgot to bring the new keys with me when I left in the morning.

I tried calling the onsite manager but he wasn't in. I tried calling a few other people that lived in the complex, but no one was answering. So, I just left to go visit CM for awhile. Her dad cooked us some dinner, and then we decided to go see X-Men 3. I left the movie not knowing if I was disappointed or overwhelmed with the awesomeness. Apparently I missed a scene that was at the end of the credits, which would add even more to my indifference. The movie also made me realize I need to brush up on my x-men knowledge. Apparently watching the cartoon as a kid, and having a brother that is knowledgeable about the X-men world does not help me in being confused by the movie.

Anyway, after the movie, I attempted to get back into my apartment. Called the manager, still a no-go. Called a few apartments: no one home. Finally got a hold of someone, explained my situation to her. She helps me out by hanging up on me. She best watch out, I know where she lives. Tried another apartment and got through. The guy lets me in. Yay. In reality I can't fault the girl for hanging up on me. I am taught over and over again, in my crime prevention workshops that I am not suppose to let others in, when they don't have keys. Whatever.

Ok...I need to take a break here to discuss a commercial I just saw. Sears Department Stores is now going into dentistry? Really? Wow. "Trust your smile to Sears." Um, no thanks.

Another breaky comment. I saw on this one site, they had a discussion about how cats like to be in boxes. Cats like boxes? No way.Cats also like sinks.


Started the day off, by finally dealing with this bridesmaid dress screw up. Apparently all I need to do is to hand in the dress which is one size too small, and order a new one for myself. No extra charges. Hah, suck it David's Bridal, I knew I could work your "No refunds, returns" etc policy. I don't know if I posted it before, but here is the dress I will be wearing. Same color and all. (edited: After checking the link, the color of my dress is the truffle color, not that ugly ass yellow color).

While getting ready for the wedding, I realized that my hair just does not curl. No matter what I do. Curling iron plus hairspray does nothing. Oh well. I still looked ok.

The ceremony was a Catholic one, but not as long and drawn out. I was giggling to myself while the priest talked about the sanctity of marriage (basically, without outright, saying between a man and woman with no premarital sex). I know that all the people in the bridal party (including the bride and the groom themselves) that do not believe in the sanct-ness of marriage, based off of what the priest said. Sinners!!!

The reception was nice. The people I went with spent the majority of the time outside, where we (or should I say they) could smoke, and it was also beautiful outside so we were enjoying the weather. Highlights of the night: Being groped by the groom's brother and his boyfriend, being dropped off at the reception by my co-workers friend while feeling like we were being dropped off at the prom by mom, squeezing seven people into a car for the longest ride home ever!


Hottest day ever. I actually turned on my air conditioner, which I initially swore I would not do. I went out with CM and JR later in the day. We had an awesome bike ride by the lake. For $12 a half hour, you can rent out one of these awesome bikes. We had a bell and everything (useful when you want to tell the people in front of you to get the hell out of the way). Riding that surrey bike, made me realize that I am totally out of shape. I was sweating up a storm and breathing heavily. Hopefully, when I apply for membership at the Y, I will no longer be huffing and puffing my way through a bike ride.

As for today, I am enjoying my day off.

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