
Picking me up and dipping

So, I don't really like to be physically picked up. Basically anything that involves me having no control over whether or not I fall, I don't like. Maybe its because the only people that try to pick me up are drunk, so I have bad experiences. You can never trust a drunk person. Example of me not liking drunk people touching me: This Saturday, I went out with a friend I hadn't seen in a long time. We went to a more "popular" bar than I am used to. By more popular, I mean this is the type of bar you go to, in order to get some ass. I mostly went because I knew this is where my friend wanted to go, and I knew I would have fun with her either way. Was, and usually am, not into looking for ass at a bar. Maybe my friend is right...I am asexual. Anyway:

I thought that if I kept to myself that I would be left alone, but no. On my way back from the bathroom, I got stopped by two fratty guys and was asked about my philosophy on facial hair. I gave my answer. One of the guys asked me if he could have a hug, and before I could answer he wrapped his arms around me and dipped me. Luckily it didn't last long. My body stiffened up, and I grabbed on to his arms in fear of being dropped. When he brought me back up, I "laughed" and excused myself back to my friend. If I weren't so antisocial, I might have thought that was fun. Oh wait...no I still wouldn't have thought it was fun. Boys, just a suggestion for the future, wait for the answer before you go for the kill. If a person is not ready, the results could be disastrous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

holland - is this about your night out with me??? when did you get dipped? i don't remember that...or maybe you told me and i was just to caught up with...paul, i think was his name...either way...i had the best night with you, one we need to repeat this summer ;)