
MGD is for old people

Lately, I have been seeing a lot of Miller Genunine Draft commercials, with their slogan "Beer. Grown up." One I saw recently showed adults deflating inflatable furniture, throwing away beer hat thingies, and throwing plastic house party cups out the window and then grabbing an ice cold MGD. I know what they are getting at: when you are young you will drink anything, which is true. But I still thought it was funny for two reasons.

1. Among my friends, we always talk about how MGD is what our parents drink. It is honestly my parents beer.
2. If Miller is trying to go with older=more refined taste=higher quality=not cheap then I call bull. Having only recently gotten into drinking darker beers (Guinness), Miller and any of its sub-categories tastes like water to me (but I will still drink it any day over Budweiser). I think I am subtly saying my parents have weak taste in beer, heh. Miller is relatively cheap too (but it is no Blatz, Schlitz, Milwaukee's Best when it comes to price though).

In the end, I will wrap by saying I have no authority over the quality of beers, since I haven't had a wide variety of brands and am not much of a drinker (honest!). Ok, back to work.

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