
Sometimes you want to go, where everybody knows your name...

When I left Milwaukee to go to the pow wow in Madison, I only took my wallet, cell phone, and coat. I had no intentions of staying past 8pm. I was mostly going to see my brother drum and sing for the first time. I wasn't really anticipating many old friends to be there. As soon as I got there I was greeted with a hug from my friend Crystal. From that point on, I spent 75% of my time hugging and catching up with old friends/fellow organizational members and other people I have worked with on various projects while I was at school. I think the people at Public Allies would be very proud of me, because I had my "elevator speech," down.

Me responding to everyone asking me what I am now doing:

"Well, I am working in an Americorp program called Public Allies, which places young adults in non-profit organizations to work Monday through Thursday, and on Fridays we come together to get professional development training and work on community service projects. The non-profit organization I am working at is called..."

I basically recited it word for word to each person. While I was catching up with everybody, they were asking me if I would come to the "49" afterward. I said I would but that I couldn't stay long because I had to drive myself home that night. When I said this, I had many people offering me their couches to sleep on, which I eventually agreed to do. It is much better to sleep for a few hours as opposed to driving at 3am (not including time change for Daylights Savings Time). I just have to remember to pack an overnight bag next time just in case.

Oh, I made sure that I didn't bring more than 10 dollars cash with me. I didn't want to be tempted to buy some barrettes or jewelry. I did buy myself some white sage to burn in my apartment. It kind of smells like pot. Sage is burned to release negative energy and it is suppose to help with stress which I need help with.

So ends the most boring blog ever.

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