
"Can you get pink eye in the mouth?"

Stupid question, I know, but sometimes I like to say things because I think they are funny and I like to amuse myself. My sister came to visit me on Friday night, but she failed to tell me that she had an eye irritation AND she thought it might be pink eye. I didn't think people got pink eye after a certain age. It just reminds me of one of those childhood things that kids like to pass on to each other, (such as chicken pox, the flu, lice or herpes--ok just kidding about that last one) in the Petri dish that is known as public school systems. Well, my sister does work in a day care facility, so it is more than likely that one of the little devils gave her the conjunctivitis.

After she left my apartment, I have been bleaching down everything she has touched. I am not even touching my own eyes in fear of getting it. I took out my contact lenses two nights ago and have been wearing my glasses ever since, just so I don't have to touch my eyes for a couple of days. I am really paranoid about it, because I am usually really susceptible to catching things this contagious. I am a wee bit of a hypochondriac, which I think I inherited from my grandmother after she passed away. Along with the pink eye, which I am convinced I will inevitably get, I am convinced I have endometriosis. Who needs to have babies anyway?

1 comment:

jwiltshire said...

I think you can only get pink eye if you actually touch your eyes together. The only known cure is a topical swab followed by an eye transplant.