
The Best (and only) April Fools Joke

Yesterday I went to Madison, for the Wunk Sheek Pow-wow. Afterwards I went to the parking ramp with a few old friends, as I was going to drop them off to the "49" afterwards ("49" is the party after the pow-wow). I drove the car to the exit and handed the ticket to the cashier. The screen popped up and it said $2. I handed over the money and the lady looked at me all crabby-like and said, "It's $2 per person." I just looked at her dumbfounded. I didn't have the money for all the people in my car. I said, "Seriously?!?" And she kept up the pissed look, and 5 seconds later, she got a huge smile on her face and said, "APRIL FOOLS." I am gullible.

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