
Much needed break from mind numbing data entry...

Mondays are usually my data entry day. I never thought I would be doing data entry stuff for my future career, but I guess in almost all professions one must deal with it eventually.

I thought I would quickly talk about what a jam-paced Saturday I had. It consisted of cleaning a river, grilling out, shopping, bridal showering, eating, drinking and making fun of drunk people, and the cab ride of death.

Cleansing the riverside: Service day for Public Allies. We cleaned up a river. Some people actually got into the river to fish out bikes, a recliner (Yeah! I know!) and other miscellaneous junk. I, along with the majority of other Allies) stayed out of the river and cleaned the area surrounding it. Things I found: a dollar bill, sanitary napkin (unused thank G-d!), empty gun cartridge box, MANY empty blunt wrappers, empty condom wrappers and children's toys (another person found what appeared to be a possum skull). Its a little disconcerting, but not surprising, to know kids play in this filth. It was a mix of emotions cleaning the river: sad knowing that the area residents treat their area with disrespect and joy to know that there are some who are willing to make it a better place by cleaning it up. We only had a 3-hour "obligation," so we didn't finish. However, just by looking at the side we picked up to the side we didn't get to: there was a huge difference. I also was entertained by a co-worker who stopped in the middle of her cleaning to serenade the volunteers with a rendition of "A Whole New World" while dancing dramatically. I think we were all in need of a nap, food and water (preferably not from the river).

Grilling: A few Public Allies then went to grill out (fry out, BBQ whatever you want to call it). I was sent to go get the order of hot dogs (uncased wieners, tender franks whatever you want to call it). It was a relaxing time. I watched people play Frisbee (granted they were only a little more than 10 feet away from each other, so it wasn't that entertaining but still), ate my turkey dogs and talked about watching Legends of the Hidden Temple on Nick Games and Sports while making fun of the stupid answers the kids gave to simple questions but only making fun because I was jealous that they got to be on the show and I did not. I was bitter then, I am bitter now.

Shopping: Before I went to the Bridal shower I needed to buy a gift. So my friend and I went to a store call the Tool Shed, and got gifts that only we would get because we are completely inappropriate. Let's just say the store is adult themed. The store had this liberal-feminist feel to it, and not that seedy, trashy feel you come to expect from those types of stores. Screw kitchen stuff and bridal registries.

Showering of the Bride: Besides the bride and the friend I bought the gift for, I knew absolutely no one at the shower. I barely know the bride, who is marrying someone I am friends and work with. The bride ended up sitting near us while she was opening her gifts, so my friend and I ended up being in most of the pictures. I would say that 80% of the pictures that were taken consisted of me and her making weird faces and gestures. They'll look back at the pictures and think, "Who the hell?" The bride opened up her gift from us, looked at it and put it aside without sharing it with everyone else. She just looked at us, laughed and said thank you. (The groom then called later that night, also praising us on a well-thought out gift). I felt oh-so-fancy too, as my friend and I shared a bottle of Merlot. Why is it I feel fancy drinking anything but beer? Probably because I am a cheap bastard.

Eating: I met up with two other friends and went out to eat at Emperor of China. Its like you standard take-out Chinese, except you sit down and get served and its semi-fancy. The four of us shared a drink that had flames in the middle. We gossiped. We dared each other to taste the liquid that lit the flame (pretty sure it was Bacardi 151). We confessed embarrassing movies we saw in the theatre...and no I will not admit mine! It was all very girly.

Drinking/making fun of drunk people: Straight from the restaurant we headed to a nearby bar. It must of been 35+ night, because it felt like there was no one in a ten year age range from us there. Here is the worst part, we were the most "mature" acting people there. Nothing like watching people nearing 40 (if not already over) being sloppy drunks while bumping and grinding. I think there was also a rule that guys over 5'8" were not allowed into the bar. All the guys also had that great "short guy complex". Needless to say, we wanted out. What better place to go then the meat market that is Water Street.

Not 5 minutes into being at the next bar, my friend and I heard calls coming toward us going, "You know her! Go talk to her!" Indeed I knew two them. They were roommates of a friend, who I met all of two(ish) times. I am surprised they even remember who I was, and I remembered who they were. We talked to them awhile before we started to bore them, as we usually do. There was a nearby girl so trashed that she was showing off her bra, pelvic bone tattoo, taking turns sitting on several different guys laps. Meanwhile this girl's friend was trying desperately to ignore her and pawn her off on one of the guys. They both disgusted me. There was a bachelor party that was taking part in a scavenger hunt. They came up to us to see if we could help them with there last remaining tasks: Show us a naughty part (No!), Dirty dance with the groom (No.), Give us your thong (No.), Buy me a beer (Ok).

Highway to Hell: Picked up a cab outside the bar. The driver was probably the worst driver in the world. He ran red lights, he U-turned right into traffic, cut people off. I was holding my breath the entire way home. Perhaps I should stick with being Designated Driver.

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