
V for Vendetta

It has been over a year since I first read the graphic novel by Alan Moore. The depth that I read, by myself, into a book is the equivalent of a kiddie pool. Luckily for me I was reading it for a comparative literature class that was strictly graphic novels. I wasn't a fan of this genre, but I did after the class. Anyway, as I stated, V for Vendetta was one of the books I read for this class. Through lectures and discussions, I better understood the symbolism and the storyline (although there is a blatant message there).

I heard a few months later that a movie was being made of it, I was excited to see how the story would be brought to life. Then, I heard that Moore, the creator, wanted nothing to do with it. He is this way with all of his works. From what he had seen and heard, the screenplay deviated to far from the novel. This scared me, because I didn't want to ruin one of my favorite graphic novels by seeing the movie based on it. But I went with my gut instinct and I went to go see it.

Well, it is definitely not like the novel, but I would say I still like it. In movie making, I think it is ok for the directors and screenwriters to make some artistic liberties, although I think it is helpful to get some support from the original creator. Well, I am not a HUGE Alan Moore fan, so I could care less. Now, if they would do this to Neil Gaiman, that is another story. Back to the movie: It was more action oriented (fighting with swords and blood) then I what I pictured while reading the book, storylines are missing and new ones were added. Some characters (mostly wives or other female characters) were missing or their storylines were changed. Nothing that I thought was too important. The most important part stayed intact, in my opinion. This part was the political influence. So much has changed from when that book was written (1988) to when the movie was released (hell, stuff has even changed from when I read the book a year and a half ago), but the book stays politically relevant. The book and movie makes me want to start a revolution (don't worry DHS, a peaceful one).

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