
G-d likes knock, knock jokes....

Go talk to G-d. I'm pretty sure it isn't the actual G-d. I'm just saying. Holla to CM, for finding that one.

What I find amusing is that I don't consider myself religious at all. I only attended "Sunday school" for about a month when I was 3, and it was more of a day care then anything else. So, all my life, I haven't gone to church. Yet, I know much more about biblical stories then some other people I know, *cough*CM*cough*. I have to explain to some people why people celebrate Good Friday and Easter. I also explain the story of Moses. Apparently my parents didn't raise a complete heathen. Perhaps I am one of the People Going to Heaven?


Anonymous said...

It was way more than a month, dear heart. And, you should know that a "church" does not have to be a building...it can exist in a family's home and exist between a small number of people. So, perhaps we had a church in our home....which explains why you know as much as you do,especially in comparison to your "I'm a Christian" friends.

Holland said...

I'm assuming that is you Mom. I know it had to be more than a month, I was just trying to emphasize, that compared to my entire life, I hardly had anytime in Sunday School and I was still learned about Bible-y stuff. I still am going to read the Bible sometime. I find religious stories facinating, in a mythological kind of way.