I like this version of Anarchy in the UK (called Anarchy en espanol). Its done by Storm and the Balls. The lead singer (Storm Large) was on the show, Rockstar Supernova. Luckily for her she lost. I don't get why the person correlated the Naughy Sesame Street images with it, but whatever.
This is where I will talk about my general love of people. All people can be loved by me, I do not discriminate. Did I mention that I am one Sarcastic Bee?
Movie to RENT
That would be Tenacious D: Pick of Destiny. It's ok, but I would say that it is not necessary to go see it in the movie theaters even if you are a Tenacious D and/or Jack Black fan (and I would consider myself both). It could have been funnier. They didn't utilize their song writing abilities to their fullest. I did, however, enjoy spotting out some cameo's such as Jack Black's Orange County co-star Colin Hanks. Anyway, just wait for the DVD release and rent/Netflix it.
I wouldn't have seen it anyway, but my brother wanted to go and said he would pay for my ticket. Since I never turn down free stuff (see all my posts about free beer) I went along.
I wouldn't have seen it anyway, but my brother wanted to go and said he would pay for my ticket. Since I never turn down free stuff (see all my posts about free beer) I went along.
"You look like you have a little pow wow in you." - co-worker upon finding out I am half American Indian.
"You gain experience by playing with yourself.": About the Nintendo Wii Sports game (said all weekend long as a running joke)
My brother, mom and I talking about my other brother's kitten Gobi: "She is fat and lazy." My dad while walking into the room, "Hey, where IS your sister, Nanabutt?" Burn!
"You gain experience by playing with yourself.": About the Nintendo Wii Sports game (said all weekend long as a running joke)
My brother, mom and I talking about my other brother's kitten Gobi: "She is fat and lazy." My dad while walking into the room, "Hey, where IS your sister, Nanabutt?" Burn!
Turkey Day
The stuff that happened that always happens:
I always go back to my parent's place for Thanksgiving. So, this means that I am sleeping in my old bedroom (duh) which is right next to the kitchen and the morning of Thanksgiving I am awaken earlier then I want to because I hear my dad rattling around as he prepares the feast.
I get up and go to the living room where I usually join my mom and watch the Macy's Day parade. After this everyone gets showered/dressed and waits for whoever is joining us for the day. We eat and drink.
The people that need to, take a nap (trytophan!) and/or watch football. The rest of the night is conversation, dessert and more drinking.
Other stuff that happened this year that doesn't always happen:
My brother just recent bought Nintendo Wii (weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!). So almost everyone in the house was surrounding the television either participating or watching people play. I usually hate all video games, but this crap was actually fun. I think I like the fact that the controllers don't have a bazillion buttons and now you get an actual result when you move your controller around.
While poking around at my sister's stomach, I noted how it is actually getting pretty firm (she is 15 weeks). She isn't noticeably showing quite yet but you can definitely feel the difference in her belly.
Went to bed early because I had to work today (suckage).
Overall pretty uneventful T-Day.
I always go back to my parent's place for Thanksgiving. So, this means that I am sleeping in my old bedroom (duh) which is right next to the kitchen and the morning of Thanksgiving I am awaken earlier then I want to because I hear my dad rattling around as he prepares the feast.
I get up and go to the living room where I usually join my mom and watch the Macy's Day parade. After this everyone gets showered/dressed and waits for whoever is joining us for the day. We eat and drink.
The people that need to, take a nap (trytophan!) and/or watch football. The rest of the night is conversation, dessert and more drinking.
Other stuff that happened this year that doesn't always happen:
My brother just recent bought Nintendo Wii (weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!). So almost everyone in the house was surrounding the television either participating or watching people play. I usually hate all video games, but this crap was actually fun. I think I like the fact that the controllers don't have a bazillion buttons and now you get an actual result when you move your controller around.
While poking around at my sister's stomach, I noted how it is actually getting pretty firm (she is 15 weeks). She isn't noticeably showing quite yet but you can definitely feel the difference in her belly.
Went to bed early because I had to work today (suckage).
Overall pretty uneventful T-Day.
But kids are sometimes cute
Photography (of sister's wedding) done by Rachel Droppers:
This is a picture of my sister with her friend's daughter Autumn. Autumn is like a niece to all of us.

This is a picture of my cousin Emily. She is one of the flower girls.
This is the groom with his nephew (the jr groomsman) and my cousin (the ring bearer).
Here is the other flower girl. Unfortunately she was a tad shy, so she didn't walk the aisle.
This young lady would be Kayla, my 8 year old cousin (jr bridesmaid and younger then the boy she walked with).

And these would be my cousin, the flower girl yet again. I couldn't help but post another picture of her. She is just too cute. The photographers couldn't even help themselves, they just kept on taking pictures of her. She was also really cooperative in posing for the pictures. She is a little ham. And yes, photos are copyrighted.
This is a picture of my cousin Emily. She is one of the flower girls.
This is the groom with his nephew (the jr groomsman) and my cousin (the ring bearer).
Here is the other flower girl. Unfortunately she was a tad shy, so she didn't walk the aisle.
This young lady would be Kayla, my 8 year old cousin (jr bridesmaid and younger then the boy she walked with).
And these would be my cousin, the flower girl yet again. I couldn't help but post another picture of her. She is just too cute. The photographers couldn't even help themselves, they just kept on taking pictures of her. She was also really cooperative in posing for the pictures. She is a little ham. And yes, photos are copyrighted.
Kids do stupid things
This is a short bizarre story about my uncle (mom's brother). I have heard this story many times, but it still fails to not amuse me.
My mom and her family were driving up to the Menominee Reservation to visit family. This was, I am assuming based off the age range of my child-age uncle, sometime in the early 70's. They were all in a car driving on some little road (I forget if it was a dirt/gravel path or an actual road because sometimes I add untrue things into stories). Anyway, they were going at a not-too-fast speed, when out of the blue my uncle says, "Mannix!!!," and jumps out of the car, rolling on the ground.
Of course, the car was stopped and my uncle was fine. No need to take him to the hospital.
Mannix, was a television show about an Armenian American detective. In the opening sequence, Mannix is seen (?)rolling out of his car (think it is the scene depicted in the "M" box)(?)
Kids, don't copy what you see on TV, especially Heroes.
My mom and her family were driving up to the Menominee Reservation to visit family. This was, I am assuming based off the age range of my child-age uncle, sometime in the early 70's. They were all in a car driving on some little road (I forget if it was a dirt/gravel path or an actual road because sometimes I add untrue things into stories). Anyway, they were going at a not-too-fast speed, when out of the blue my uncle says, "Mannix!!!," and jumps out of the car, rolling on the ground.
Of course, the car was stopped and my uncle was fine. No need to take him to the hospital.
Mannix, was a television show about an Armenian American detective. In the opening sequence, Mannix is seen (?)rolling out of his car (think it is the scene depicted in the "M" box)(?)
Kids, don't copy what you see on TV, especially Heroes.
Hangin' Tough
Driving home, I stopped at a traffic light and walking down an alleyway to my right, were three 10-12 year old boys.
I don't know about you, but when I was that age, I was friends with some "bad" kids. They were known to swear and "smoke" cigarettes (by this I mean puff and not inhale). They would walk down the streets with "tough" looks on there faces. I wasn't as tough as they were, because I was a good kid and just not cool but I wanted to be cool. So that is why I hung out with them.
These kids reminded me of my old friends. So naturally I smiled in their direction. Then I saw them walk across the street in front of me. Midway through the light changed on them. Two of the three bolted across the street. The last one...wait for it...SKIPPED across the street. Not just skip, but skip almost joyfully.
This is when I started to laugh hysterically, which wasn't that good since I was now driving. It was just too funny to watch this kid, who was trying to look tough with his friends, skip across the street. Tough kids don't skip.
I don't know about you, but when I was that age, I was friends with some "bad" kids. They were known to swear and "smoke" cigarettes (by this I mean puff and not inhale). They would walk down the streets with "tough" looks on there faces. I wasn't as tough as they were, because I was a good kid and just not cool but I wanted to be cool. So that is why I hung out with them.
These kids reminded me of my old friends. So naturally I smiled in their direction. Then I saw them walk across the street in front of me. Midway through the light changed on them. Two of the three bolted across the street. The last one...wait for it...SKIPPED across the street. Not just skip, but skip almost joyfully.
This is when I started to laugh hysterically, which wasn't that good since I was now driving. It was just too funny to watch this kid, who was trying to look tough with his friends, skip across the street. Tough kids don't skip.
Tiny Baby Canopies
Sometimes, I question how I made it through college. Here is a good story:
While visiting my hometown of Sheboygan one weekend, I accompanied my mother to Target, to shop for my little cousins' birthday presents. So there we were walking down one of the sporting good aisle looking for a tiny golf set, or something equally cool and tiny, when I noticed something that looked like a tiny canopy made for a baby on the top shelves.
I pointed at it and asked my mother, "What the hell can fit under there?" My mom looked at me like I lost my mind and didn't answer me. A few minutes later, I asked again. "I don't know. Like a (lists off things that would not fit under a tiny canopy made for a baby)," says my mom. I give her a look like she is crazy. Me, being really angry about it, "No...Seriously! What can that cover? It's...oh."
This is when I realize that it is just a tent model. I noticed the other "tiny baby canopies" with boxes of normal sized tents under them. My mom noted my Eureka! face and started laughing at me while my face turned ten shades of red knowing that people heard our entire conversation. To make light of the situation, as we walked past a tiny sleeping bag model, I said to my mom, "Seriously, WHAT person can fit in that sleeping bag?"
Ummmm....I....was...really tired??? Ok, I have no excuses.
This story is an example of my superior intelligence, and why I am allowed to talk about politics.
While visiting my hometown of Sheboygan one weekend, I accompanied my mother to Target, to shop for my little cousins' birthday presents. So there we were walking down one of the sporting good aisle looking for a tiny golf set, or something equally cool and tiny, when I noticed something that looked like a tiny canopy made for a baby on the top shelves.
I pointed at it and asked my mother, "What the hell can fit under there?" My mom looked at me like I lost my mind and didn't answer me. A few minutes later, I asked again. "I don't know. Like a (lists off things that would not fit under a tiny canopy made for a baby)," says my mom. I give her a look like she is crazy. Me, being really angry about it, "No...Seriously! What can that cover? It's...oh."
This is when I realize that it is just a tent model. I noticed the other "tiny baby canopies" with boxes of normal sized tents under them. My mom noted my Eureka! face and started laughing at me while my face turned ten shades of red knowing that people heard our entire conversation. To make light of the situation, as we walked past a tiny sleeping bag model, I said to my mom, "Seriously, WHAT person can fit in that sleeping bag?"
Ummmm....I....was...really tired??? Ok, I have no excuses.
This story is an example of my superior intelligence, and why I am allowed to talk about politics.
South Africa "Forward"
South Africa is in the process of recognizing same sex unions. This comes about after the US election in which several states, including my home state of Wisconsin, passed amendments declaring a marriage between a man and a woman, thus making any other status similar to marriages (unions between ANY two individuals) invalid.
OK. First of all. South Africa! This is a country where a legal system of segregation, otherwise none as apartheid, was in place until 1990 (or somewhere in there). This is in a continent that looks down upon homosexuality (much like our own dear country). And yet, they are progressive enough to recognize that two individuals who are devoted to each other, need to have the legal rights to benefits that any couple is given.
OK. First of all. South Africa! This is a country where a legal system of segregation, otherwise none as apartheid, was in place until 1990 (or somewhere in there). This is in a continent that looks down upon homosexuality (much like our own dear country). And yet, they are progressive enough to recognize that two individuals who are devoted to each other, need to have the legal rights to benefits that any couple is given.
Security in One's Sexuality
Did I ever mention that my family gets into really weird conversations when we are gathered together? One of the conversations we just recently had was about TV/Movie boyfriends/girlfriends. You know what I am talking about...Like how Benicio del Toro is my movie boyfriend...he just doesn't know it. This some how lead into us talking about our TV/Movie same sex crushes AKA "who we'd go gay for." My dad and brother-in-law were a little bit hesitant about admitting they had one. This is when my sister chirp in saying (not word for word but the idea): "It's not so much about the sex. It's more about admiring their talent and having that opportunity to stand next to you. Sort of like, 'Yeah, I'm awesome...Look at how awesome I am, I can get this person!'" So finally, they gave in. Brother-in-law: Sean William Scott "because he's funny." Dad: Tom Hanks "because I like his movies."
Other family members. Brother: George Clooney "because he's the man!" Mom: Charlize Theron "because she's so cute and sexy in that one movie." Sister: Natalie Portman I forget what she said exactly...probably something about being beautiful. Me: Catherine Zeta Jones besides being beautiful I like that she is not painfully stick thin, plus she was an awesome Welsh accent. Although he was not there to partake in the conversation, my other brother has a huge man-crush on Pierce Brosnan.
Hey, speaking of the gays, did you know that Wisconsin passed a marriage amendment stating:
"Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state. A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized in this state."
Phew...I am SO glad that traditional marriage has been saved. I just don't have time to explain gay marriage to some confused kids. Oh wait...you say that it is already illegal for the gays to marry? Hmmmm. Well, we all know, if I voted "no" that the gays would waste all their time and energy and money to take their case to the courts, waste some more time in appeals in the slight chance that it will be overturned. That would ruin my life, even though I don't know the individuals and they have no affect on my life. Just the thought that they are married would tear my family apart and cause a nuclear bomb to drop because we all know that the gays have ties with North Korea.
Also, if he let the gays marry, then there will be group marriage and people marry their dogs. Because they are all one and the same and people that advocate gay marriage have no morals and are all depraved sinners. Slippery slope people! Slippery slope! Don't question my illogical thinking because you will make baby Jesus cry.
Also, all of you live-in boyfriends who batter your girlfriends rejoice! Domestic violence laws will no longer apply to you.
Other family members. Brother: George Clooney "because he's the man!" Mom: Charlize Theron "because she's so cute and sexy in that one movie." Sister: Natalie Portman I forget what she said exactly...probably something about being beautiful. Me: Catherine Zeta Jones besides being beautiful I like that she is not painfully stick thin, plus she was an awesome Welsh accent. Although he was not there to partake in the conversation, my other brother has a huge man-crush on Pierce Brosnan.
Hey, speaking of the gays, did you know that Wisconsin passed a marriage amendment stating:
"Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state. A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized in this state."
Phew...I am SO glad that traditional marriage has been saved. I just don't have time to explain gay marriage to some confused kids. Oh wait...you say that it is already illegal for the gays to marry? Hmmmm. Well, we all know, if I voted "no" that the gays would waste all their time and energy and money to take their case to the courts, waste some more time in appeals in the slight chance that it will be overturned. That would ruin my life, even though I don't know the individuals and they have no affect on my life. Just the thought that they are married would tear my family apart and cause a nuclear bomb to drop because we all know that the gays have ties with North Korea.
Also, if he let the gays marry, then there will be group marriage and people marry their dogs. Because they are all one and the same and people that advocate gay marriage have no morals and are all depraved sinners. Slippery slope people! Slippery slope! Don't question my illogical thinking because you will make baby Jesus cry.
Also, all of you live-in boyfriends who batter your girlfriends rejoice! Domestic violence laws will no longer apply to you.
Flipping someone off is not quite effective when wearing a mitten
Two things that are getting to me today:
1) My morning commute is starting to get to me. People cutting me off on the highway, when there is no room to cut me off, drives me up the wall! Usually, or so the rules of the road say, the far left lane is designated the "fast/pass" lane. Why do people insist on going 5 mph below the speed limit in this lane? In good weather? In daylight? Meanwhile people in the other lane are going the same speed or every so slightly more/less than that stupid car going 5 mph below the speed limit. There is nothing left for me to do but to stay behind the "fastest" car and make the "you're killing me" hand gestures.
2) I can't believe I am about to complain about this, because I am from Wisconsin and I should not be so much of a sissy wuss, but....IT'S COLD! In the morning, I wake up usually 30 minutes before my alarm clock goes off because I am cold. And then I hurry off to take a hot shower proceeded by a hurried attempt to get dressed and dry my hair. Seriously, my apartment does not know how to be warm, not even lukewarm.
Although, it is not so cold that I NEED to wear hats, scarves and mittens I wear my mittens while driving because the steering wheel is cold and it takes forever for my car to warm up.
On a side note...Why am I still wearing "mittens"? I should be wearing some chic gloves and be the sleek city girl that I am, what with....Oh, who am I kidding.
After work, as soon as I get into my apartment, I grab my fleece blanket and wrap myself with it and continue to wear it while I do my chores or watch TV. When its time for bed, I prepare my sheet, fleece, comforter (and sometimes extra comforter) cocoon that keeps me nice and toasty until I wake up 30 minutes before my alarm clock goes off because I am so dang cold (I should also note here, that when I wake up I also notice that I usually have kicked off two layers of my cocoon sometime in the night, so that might explain my being cold).
What makes me upset, is that I know it is only going to get worse, WAY WORSE.
1) My morning commute is starting to get to me. People cutting me off on the highway, when there is no room to cut me off, drives me up the wall! Usually, or so the rules of the road say, the far left lane is designated the "fast/pass" lane. Why do people insist on going 5 mph below the speed limit in this lane? In good weather? In daylight? Meanwhile people in the other lane are going the same speed or every so slightly more/less than that stupid car going 5 mph below the speed limit. There is nothing left for me to do but to stay behind the "fastest" car and make the "you're killing me" hand gestures.
2) I can't believe I am about to complain about this, because I am from Wisconsin and I should not be so much of a sissy wuss, but....IT'S COLD! In the morning, I wake up usually 30 minutes before my alarm clock goes off because I am cold. And then I hurry off to take a hot shower proceeded by a hurried attempt to get dressed and dry my hair. Seriously, my apartment does not know how to be warm, not even lukewarm.
Although, it is not so cold that I NEED to wear hats, scarves and mittens I wear my mittens while driving because the steering wheel is cold and it takes forever for my car to warm up.
On a side note...Why am I still wearing "mittens"? I should be wearing some chic gloves and be the sleek city girl that I am, what with....Oh, who am I kidding.
After work, as soon as I get into my apartment, I grab my fleece blanket and wrap myself with it and continue to wear it while I do my chores or watch TV. When its time for bed, I prepare my sheet, fleece, comforter (and sometimes extra comforter) cocoon that keeps me nice and toasty until I wake up 30 minutes before my alarm clock goes off because I am so dang cold (I should also note here, that when I wake up I also notice that I usually have kicked off two layers of my cocoon sometime in the night, so that might explain my being cold).
What makes me upset, is that I know it is only going to get worse, WAY WORSE.
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